Archives for 2021

Board Minutes – September 2021

     CVNA Meeting Minutes for September 2021


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

 “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest



Kris Adams


Vice President

Missy Quinn

X LaTresha Woodruff


Jeannie Stroth

X Steven Wallace



Jessica Nichols

Alan Kizer



Amy Fulmer

Harry Smith X Jeannie Stroth
X Melissa Reibe x Steve Scherrey


Call meeting to order at 5:34 pm

Go over and approve last meetings minutes- moved for approval by Harry second by Alan


Treasurer Report:

Updates: Linda Beene is no longer a check signer for the CVNA board Jeannie Stroth is now the treasure

Insurance renewal for CVNA board Officers and Directors – moved for approval by Jeannie second by Alan




Updates for approval from Missy Quinn—1945 Centennial Club screened porch/outdoor kitchen.  Harry moved for approval Missy second


 Covenant violation:

Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected – N/A

New Business:

Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 scheduled meetings: Kris discussed with board members

Kris, Missy and Jeannie going to the bank to show ID for check signing – Kris and Missy are good Jeannie needs to go with minutes showing she is now the CVNA board Treasure as stated above 

Coordination with Hal on new entrance and timelines – Missy contacting Hal

Yard of the month – The Moore’s Lost Canyon Dr.

5545 Whistling Straight Dr. (Vickers) – house sold and closed 9/15 lien money pending 

Getting new quotes for the neighborhood landscaping – Alan asking for a quote from Outdoor World   

Bring new ideas for projects to meeting in October – getting quotes for Centennial Club maintenance, possible flagpole – Kris contacting Bill Tipton about money previously collected

Next meeting is October 11th 5:30 pm

Meeting Adjourned at 6:35 – moved for approval by Jeannie second by Steven W.




Board Minutes – August 2021

     CVNA Meeting Minutes for August 2021


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

 “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest



Kris Adams


Vice President

Missy Quinn

X LaTresha Woodruff


Jeannie Stroth

X Steven Wallace



Jessica Nichols

Alan Kizer



Amy Fulmer

Harry Smith X Jeannie Stroth
X Melissa Reibe x Steve Scherrey


Call meeting to order at 7:38 pm

Go over and approve last meetings minutes- moved for approval by Jeannie second by Harry


Elect officers for 2021-2022 – Kris Adams, President – Vice President, Missy Quinn – Jeannie Stroth, Treasure – Amy Fulmer, Secretary: board votes unanimous


Introduction to new members: 


Jessica Nichols and Alan Kizer


Treasurer Report:

Updates from Linda Beene – financial statement sent in previous email


Updates for approval from Missy Quinn—no updates



 Covenant violation:

Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected

—Tarps around David Elms pool on Whistling Straight for swimming lessons, Harry sending email asking for them to be removed and outlining the covenants around temporary structures

Letters sent to Keller Johnson’s rent houses about trash cans left out – problem was immediately resolved


New Business:

Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 scheduled meetings: Kris discussed with board members

Coordination with Hal on new entrance and timelines – Missy contacting Hal

Bring new ideas for projects to meeting in September

Next meeting is September 13 at 5:30 pm

Meeting Adjourned at 8:18, Steve S. moved and Alan seconded. 


Annual Meeting Minutes – 2021


8/13/2021 6:35 p.m. 

Welcome from Kris Adams, CVNA President  

Introduction of 2020-2021 Board Members 

Steve Scherrey, Vice President; Linda Beene Ballard, Treasurer: Amy 

Fulmer, Secretary; Missy Quinn, Chair of Architectural Control 

Committee; LaTresha Woodruff, Harry Smith, Stephen Wallace



Developer Hal Crafton:  discussed development of the new Centennial addition


New Member Board Elections for 2021-2022: 

Jessica Nichols and Alan Kizer

 2020-2021 Presentation:  

Centennial Valley has 263 properties, 11 more are to be added with new addition

The CVNA Board 2020-2021 completed the following:

– 39 covenant violations sent out, involving 24 different residents with minor issues.  Of the 24 residents 19 complied

– 1 lien filed on a resident 


Accomplishments 2020-2021 

– All entrances decorated for the holidays

– Year round landscaping maintained

– Annual ongoing maintenance of 6 entrances

– Review/Approved 13 requests for new home plans, home additions, pools, outdoor rooms

– $75 gift cards for Halloween and Holidays decorating to residence

– Yard of the month contest for all CVNA homes, May, June, July & August sponsored by GardenScapes gift designs by Kristen 

– Kona Ice snow cones for CVNA kids twice

– CVNA pool party 80 residents attended

– New security cameras systems installed 

– StreetScapes project: Hogan entrance completed September 2020, Lost Canyon completed June 2021

Resident Input 

– More led lighting for better security camera pictures

What are the covenant issues?

– Garbage cans being left out too long is a city issue, being visible from the street is a covenant issue


Budget 2021-2022

– Kris reviewed the budget and requested budget approval and waiving od board member POA dues . Harry Smith moved for approval, Amy Fulmer seconded

Meeting adjourned: 7:25 pm



Board Minutes – July 2021

CVNA Meeting Minutes for July 2021


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

 “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President X

Missy Quinn

Vice President

X LaTresha Woodruff

Linda Beene Ballard


X Steven Wallace X Joey Cook

Amy Fulmer


Harry Smith X Jeannie Stroth
X Melissa Reibe A Steve Scherrey


  • Call meeting to order at 5:36 pm
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes- moved for approval by Melissa Reibe, second by Steven Wallace


Treasurer Report:

  • Updates from Linda Beene—financial statement sent in previous email
  • Available Funds for this year—financial statement sent in previous email
  • Budget for next year—suggested cameras on Lost Canyon- Kris will check with Conway Corp contact.  


    • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn—ratify evote for Adams fence – Linda Beene moved for approval, second by Jeannie Stroth. 


  • Bay Hill new construction – moved for approval by Jeannie Stroth, second by Missy Quinn—All in favor



Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected—N/A, not present


Old Business:

  • Ratify any Evotes—done 
  • Summer Block Party success—done
  • Did we get the bill on this yet and has it been paid?  Totals being invoiced
  • Updating new move in fees to be announced at annual meeting – Harry Smith constructed email detailing new move in fees.  


New Business

  • Board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings—Kris discussed responsibilities with board members
  • Annual meeting date August 18th 6:00 pm
  • Volunteers for check in and duties along with speaking parts—Missy and Melissa are doing check in, Jeannie and Kris working the computer presentation.   
  • Members with terms expiring or resigning in August Linda, Jeannie, Joey.  Linda and Jeannie are re-running.  Joey is resigning. 
  • How many new people will we need to have apply to be on the board for election at annual meeting?—We have two positions on the board that will be available.  
  • Streets Scapes project completed on Lost Canyon—done 
  • New street is completed, need a time frame from Hal Crafton on project and if we can use our people to do landscaping—Missy talking to Hal


  • Next meeting is Annual meeting August 18th at 6:00 pm regular board meeting will follow
  • Meeting Adjourned at 7:08, Kris moved and Steven Wallace seconded. 



Board Minutes – June 2021

CVNA Meeting Minutes for June 2021 


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; 

R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams 


Missy Quinn 

X LaTresha Woodruff

Vice President 

Linda Beene 



Steven Wallace A Joey Cook

Amy Fulmer 


Harry Smith A Jeannie Stroth
Melissa Reibe A Steve Scherrey


  • Meeting called to order at 5:37PM 
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes – Linda Ballard moved for approval, Harry Smith second 

Treasurer Report: 

  • Updates from Linda Beene – sent before meeting, updated us on street scapes – will be paid before July. 
  • Lien for dues filed on 5525 Whistling straights on 5/28/2021 


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn 
  • front of house updates approve ratify, Harry moved for approval, Melissa second 
  • Derek Nichols on Lost Canyon, fence is approved, Harry moved for approval, Melissa second

Covenant violation: 

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected Make sure trash cans are not visible from the street or visible to the neighbors o 5505 and 5515 Lost Canyon – trash can violation, letter will be sent 

o 1800 Warwick – fence boards need to be stained 

o 5480 Lost Canyon – trash can violation 

o 1620 Warwick – garden issues 

City code enforcement called, they said it is not an issue and doesn’t violate any codes 

CVNA has no basis to send letter to take further action on garden 

complaints. Case is closed and is considered a neighbor issue. CVNA has done all we can to address the situation, but the garden does not violate neighborhood covenants. 

Old Business: 

  • Ratify any Evotes 
  • Do we have any new move in homeowners to be visited by Joey? Can we get the addresses over to him? – List has been given to Joey. 
  • Melissa will email Nancy the CPA to get new move in updates each month. Reminder of move in fees for new home owners at annual meeting 

o CVNA will come up with an August meeting agenda, and ask for 

suggestions from the neighborhood 

o $550 – new move to a house 

o $550 – relocate in neighborhood 

o $300 – new construction 

o $250 yearly dues

New Business 

  • June 5235 Lost Canyon Kinley’s 
  • Kona Ice Day for kids was a success. The total was $183.00 

o Need more notice on when they are coming for more success 

  • Updates from Missy on Summer block party kickoff. Vendors, dates and location Do we need volunteers? Wrist bands ect? 

o To block off street, there is not enough plug ins 

o We can rent Centennial Valley Country Club Gazebo, eat for $12-$15 a person, it will be a private party, swim with lifeguards. 

o Date set for Thursday, July 1, 2021 6pm-8pm 

o Harry motioned to approve the gazebo idea up to $3000, Linda second for summer block party. 

  • Streets Scapes project for Lost Canyon. Do we have an installation date? Rained for 2 weeks, they are behind schedule 
  • Garden Scapes added more flowers to most of the entrances. Kris did not like the way everything looked bare, so he requested to add more color to the entrances Annual meeting date will be Wednesday, August 18, 2021. We need to show positions that are open for renewal, and let anyone interested being on board to let their interest be known by a certain date to be considered. 
  • Next meeting July 12th,2021 at 5:30 pm 

Meeting adjourned, Melissa motioned, Latricia second. 

Board Minutes – May 2021

     CVNA Meeting Minutes for May 2021


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

 “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President A

Missy Quinn

Vice President

X LaTresha Woodruff

Linda Beene Ballard


X Steven Wallace A Joey Cook

Amy Fulmer


Harry Smith x Jeannie Stroth
X Melissa Reibe x Steve Scherrey



  • Call meeting to order – 5:35
  • Hearing for Scott Taylor – unnecessary he paid his dues

                          Vickers – no showed so another lien is being filed

                                             Anderson – paid for dues


  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes – Steve Scherrey moved for approval, Steven Wallace second 



Treasurer Report:

  • Updates from Linda Beene – sent before meeting
  • Liens to be filed on anyone not paid dues by EOD 5/10/2021 – Vickers $750.00



  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn – no updates

Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected – no updates


Old Business:


  • Ratify any Evotes – N/A
  • Email address still not working? Do we need to change our email address on the website until this is fixed? Did we get a new Gmail account? – new email address effective in 30 days


    • Melissa add Minutes to web page for April once approved – Done


  • Do we have any new move in homeowners to be visited? Linda provided a new list who can enter those for update and visit the residents for welcoming to the neighborhood? – Melissa updated the list and sent to Joey for visits


  • Reminder of move in fees for new home owners at annual meeting – noted

New Business


  • YOM 5220 Bay Town Bill & Marsha Keopple picked by Gaden Scapes 
  • YOM complaints by Jackie Hattlestad – N/A
  • New control box for sprinkles at Hogan entrance – done
  • Trash Can installed at the dog box on Warwick- done
  • Stolen mail out of mailboxes – no solution, just neighborhood awareness
  • Garden issue behind home multiple complaints @ 1620 Warwick – neighbors complaining about rats, several animals killed by rat poison. Kris asking Shane Henry for legal advice – LaTresha moved that we pay for the legal advice Jeannie second
  • Kona Ice day? Approved 3 times this year – Proposed $350-$400 up to $1200 a year.  Steven Wallace moved to approve and Steve Scherrey second
  • Projects for the summer – nothing yet
  • Do we have a date on the Street Scapes project on Lost Canyon yet? Missy – Cost $10,700, project will start if we can get a date of work complete by Friday July 16th, Steve Scherrey moved for approval Melissa seconded
  • Do we have the cost for the security cameras for the internal entrances yet? – waiting on response from Conway Corp. for internet
  • Updates from Missy on a Neighborhood cookout. Who, what, where how much? Missy will get dates pricing kris call city on blocking off streets– Missy getting details on possible food truck
  • Next meeting June 14th, 2021 at 5:30 pm – Meeting adjourned 6:41, Steven Wallace moved for approval, Jeannie seconed



Board Minutes – April 2021

CVNA Meeting Minutes for April

Submitted by Jeannie Stroth


“X” Attended; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest 

Kris Adams



Missy Quinn

Vice President


Linda Beene Ballard



Amy Fulmer


X LaTresha Woodruff A Steven Wallace
A Joey Cook X Harry Smith A Melissa Reibe
A Steve Scherrey X Jeannie Stroth


  • 5.38pm. Meeting called to order.
  • Motion to approve March Minutes 🡪 Harry. 2nd 🡪 Linda. Approved.


Treasurer Report:

  • Linda. Nothing unusual. 
  • Insurance bundling not an option. Liability insurance paid for entrances. Board Liability will be paid in the fall.
  • Fairways entrance check written.
  • Spray for ants ordered.
  • Need to think of more projects. May have $$ left in the Maint budget. (Once the flower beds are done whatever money is left could be used to add flowers.)
  • Harry – St. Andrews entrance. Light needed on the sign. Street light is not effective.
  • Kris – 3 ½ foot high light could be an option. Missy suggested looking on Amazon and hiring an electrician.
  • Dues: 3 left.
    – Vickers. Need to file a 3rd lien. Letter will be sent.
    – Scott Taylor (lien). Letter will be sent.
    – Tom and Terri Anderson (lien). Letter will be sent.
  • Trash can for pet deposits. People are using the baggies and leaving them. Kris will offer to clean for now. Long term may need a different plan.
    – Motion to approve up to $200 for a trash can 🡪 Linda; 2nd 🡪 LaTresha. Approved.


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn.
  • One submission for a fence replacing a worn down one. 4600 Bay Hill Drive.
    – Motion to approve 🡪 Jeannie; 2nd 🡪 Harry. Approved.

Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected
  • Don Henderson. 1935 Centennial Club. Offroad ATV / cart. 
  • Tammy Brown. 1940 Centennial Club. Parking violation. Fixed. 
  • Chartan. 5240 Lost Canyon. Trash container. Fixed.
  • Lisa Murphy. 5090 Oakhurst Way. Landscape issues. Plastic chickens. Request a meeting? Send pictures of examples of what’s acceptable?
  • Darrel and Holly Gentry. 4665 Sawgrass. Trash can. 3rd notice. Built a screen.


Old Business:

  • Ratify any Evotes. Done. 
  • Email address still not working. Set up new email Missy and Melissa will handle. Consider an email for Treasurer as well. Change to Gmail. 
  • Melissa add Minutes to web page for March. April?
  • Stripes  on Speed Bumps added. Kris. 
  • Do we have any new move in homeowners to be visited? Challenging to get names. We can get addresses. Linda to reach out to Nancy (accountant) to get the address and date moved in.
  • Reminder of move in fees for new home owners at annual meeting 

New Business

  •  Did we renew the insurance policy. Paid (see above)
  • Rocks on the roads throughout the neighborhood. Jason Miller will clean up.
  • April YOM 5210 Lost Canyon Craig & Dana Cummings. Congrats to Craig and Dana.
  • Kids snow cone day? Sponsors or do we pay a portion? Holidays? Tuesday after Memorial Day?
    – Motion to approve $350 3x/year for Kona Ice Snow Cone Days 🡪 Harry. 2nd 🡪 Missy. Approved.

Projects for the summer:

  • StreetScapes quote for 18×18 instead of 12×12. Too expensive. Missy to email back. Price increased $1/square foot. 
  • Fairways entrance landscaping done. Flowers to be completed week of April board meeting.
  • Sliver lot new bed in progress; will be completed week of April board meeting.
  • Water is turned back on no pipes were broken but he had to replace a couple heads at Centennial Club Drive


  • Updates from Missy on a Neighborhood cookout
    – July 1st? (Tuesday before the 4th)
    – Missy checking on food trucks
    – Kris checking with City to shut down Bay Hill Drive.
  • Next meeting Monday, May 10th, 2021 at 5.30 pm

  • Motion to Adjourn 🡪 Harry. 2nd 🡪 Jeannie. Meeting adjourned at 7.01pm



Board Minutes – March 2021

     CVNA Meeting Minutes for March 2021


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

 “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President X

Missy Quinn

Vice President

X LaTresha Woodruff

Linda Beene Ballard


A Steven Wallace x Joey Cook

Amy Fulmer


Harry Smith x Jeannie Stroth
A Melissa Reibe x Steve Scherrey


  • Call meeting to order – 6:07
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes- Steve Scherrey  motioned for approval Jeannie second


Treasurer Report:

               Updates from Linda Beene – sent separately

  • Report on unpaid dues how many do we have left? – Same 5 from last month, checking on Donnie Dietz selling his house 
  • What do we have left in the special projects budget?- $20,00 for special projects


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn – no new ACC submissions


Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected

–  4665 Sawgrass – trash can left out, Harry request and email and phone number with no response

– 5135 Lost Canyon Dr. – trailer moved 


  • Fairway Lawns signs – still removing signs, Harry called and emailed Adan Godsey 2/21/21


Old Business:

  • Ratify any Evotes – No new evotes 
  • Please add Minutes to web page for February – Melissa 
  • Did we get the emails sent out to those that are past due? – Missy sending 
  • Do we have any new move in homeowners to be visited? – 5220 Bay Town Keopple 

New Business

  •  Renewal of the insurance policy – this policy is good going forward $1350 for Insurance policy and $750 Liability, Missy checking if it would be lower if the Directors and Officers policy were put together
  • New speed humps are installed at Centennial Club drive – done – just need to be painted
  • New home sales revenue has been approved by an attorney. Do we wait to announce this at the annual meeting? – changed to $300 and $250 at closing, announcing at Annual meeting


Projects for the summer


  • Street Scapes for Lost Canyon wait for paving to be redone on the Fairways we need to get the city involved – 8717.76 plus tax for Lost Canyon entrance – Linda motioned for approval Jeannie second
  • Fairways entrance landscaping – Sliver lot – $2558.82 with tax – Steve Scherrey motioned for approval Harry second


  • Updates from Missy on a Rib cookoff. Who,what,when,where – no updates rethinking idea, Missy talking with Chef Bill, possible tailgate instead
  • Next meeting April 12,2021 at 6:00 pm – Meeting adjourned 7:21 – Jeannie motioned for approval Steve Scherrey second 



Board Minutes – February 2021

     CVNA Meeting minutes for February 2021


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

 “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President A

Missy Quinn

Vice President

X LaTresha Woodruff

Linda Beene Ballard


x Steven Wallace x Joey Cook

Amy Fulmer


Harry Smith x Jeannie Stroth
X Melissa Reibe A Steve Scherrey


  • Call meeting to order – 6:01pm
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes- Linda motioned for approval, Harry second


Treasurer Report:

  • Updates from Linda Beene – Report sent prior to meeting
  • Report on unpaid dues how man do we have left?- Email to be sent out to the 4 unpaid homeowners left with 6 months late notice – Melissa sending out email that dues are 6 months overdue and a lien will be filed on properties that are not paid ASAP.


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn 
  •  4225 Bayhill Dr.- McDaniel’s plot plan for their circle drive – Harry motioned for approval, Steven seconded
  • 5230 Burnt Pine Dr. – Sward deck and pergola project – Jeannie motioned for a approval, Steven second


Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected

– Fairway Lawns signs – Harry contacted Fairway Lawns and talked to Adam and went over the yard sign usage large advertising signs are not to be used but the small yellow flags are ok.


Old Business:

  • Ratify Evotes – done
  • Need someone to add minutes to Website “Secretary”?

–  Melissa was able to get this completed for missing minutes

  • Updates on directory format – Melissa checking 
  • Any new move homeowners to be visited – Not currently


New Business: 

  • The Estates at Centennial coming this summer – 11 new lots, they will be included in the covenants  

 – 3000 SQ Ft minimum, Fence with wrought iron and brick along the asphalt

   Road and would like to add brick entrance like other entrances in Centennial.    Warwick will be the construction entrance, 11 lots will be part of the POA


  • Has anything changed in the covenants since the last section was built? Hal needs a copy emailed to him so he can copy it – No changes in covenants, some bylaws have changed


  • Things to take back to Hal? Cameras/internet/ lighting/sprinklers can we have Kristen@ Garden Scapes do landscaping? – Hal would like the same StreetScapes and cameras. 

– Kristen will be asked to do landscaping.  Hal will be responsible for paying for these once construction is complete



  • Garden Scapes will do yard of the month – CVNA will pay for signs $35 up to $50. Suggested nice gift basket instead of cash for monthly prize – Jeannie motioned for approval, Joey second




  • Bidding for landscaping. Garden Scapes is working on a detailed list of what they do and will give us a quote for 2021 growing season


-Kristen gave a new quote for February 2021-2022 for $1912.50 per month plus tax – Jeannie motioned for approval, Steven second

(Suggested Travis Thessing taking care of sprinklers)



  • Updates from Missy at next meeting in March on Rib Cook-off – Moved to next meeting




  • Projects for 2021 what is the remaining balance on project budget? Project idea Redo landscaping in some of the entrances? Finish entrances with StreetScapes? Dinner for 2 on Valentine’s Day?


– Have Kristen work up bid for landscaping the sliver lot and do Evote

– More cameras for entrance islands

– Nominating couples on new CVNA Facebook page and picking one couple for a dinner   for 2 at the 19th Hole on Valentine’s Day for $150 – Harry motioned for approval, Jeannie second 



  • Next meeting March 9th 2021 at 6:00 pm


– Meeting ended 7:21, Steven motioned for approval, Jeannie second


Board Minutes – January 2021

CVNA Meeting minutes January 2021