Annual Meeting 2024 Minutes

CVNA August 19, 2024
Annual Meeting Minutes

Slideshow shown at meeting: CVNA 2024 Annual Meeting

Attendance: Missy Quinn, Jeannie Stroth, Jessica Nichols, Allison Worthen, David McClain, Alan Kizer, Steve
Scherrey, Karla Braswell, Terri Johnson, Melissa Reibe

-6:15pm called meeting to order

-Introduction of the board members

-Overall, 34 total violations for the year

-Every lot has to submit an ACC form to make changes to properties
-Projects completed: Wingfoot entrance, landscaping improvements, everything in PowerPoint
-Future projects: sprinklers needing repaired, speed table (split cost with city) at Whistling Straits into new
neighborhood, security camera’s repaired/upgraded (1 out of 8 currently working), website improvements
(interactive with neighbors)
Treasurer Report
-262 homes paying annual dues, motion to waive board member’s annual dues (3 neighbors in attendance did not
stand = against motion, everyone else in attendance stood = approve motion) = motion approved to waive board
member’s annual dues
-Report attached from last year (PowerPoint), talked through with neighbors in attendance
-Proposed budget attached for current year (PowerPoint), talked through with neighbors in attendance
-Passed budget for current year, approved 1 st Troy Braswell 2 nd Scott Stroth
-Open discussion with neighbors in attendance: #1 priority is to replace/repair security cameras per neighborhood
members, we need to implement a $25 per month late fee on annual dues, introduced potential new board
members for the next 3 years

Covenant violation:

Old Business:
Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regularly scheduled meetings.

-LuAnn Deere attended annual meeting, spoke about the letters in the July minutes and she was asked to respond
through her attorney in writing, the board has had to spend extra money to seek legal advice and will continue to
communicate through the board’s attorney.

New Business:
-August monthly meeting will follow annual meeting
-Need 1-2 new board members
-Re-elected Melissa Reibe, Jeannie Stroth, and Jessica Nichols to another 3-year term
-Elected Deanna Ott to serve a 3-year term

Next meeting:
-Monday, Sept 9 th at 5pm
-710pm called meeting to end, approved 1 st David M, 2 nd Alan K

Annual Meeting 2024

Slideshow PDF: CVNA 2024 Annual Meeting (1)

2024 Annual Meeting – August 19 at 6PM

We would love to see all of our neighbors at the neighborhood association annual meeting on August 19th at 6:00PM. It will be located at Centennial Valley Country Club 19th Hole, located at 1600 Centennial Drive. Appetizers will be served, and we will also have a cash bar.

At the meeting, we will hold an election for 1-2 new board members for the Centennial Valley Neighborhood Association.

If you are interested in making a difference in our neighborhood, we strongly encourage you to volunteer to be on the board. Likewise, if you know someone who you think would be a good fit, we would appreciate the recommendations.

Anyone interested in being on the board, please submit your information to by August 15th. Simply email your name, address, phone number, brief bio and why you wish to be on the board. All candidate information will be provided at the meeting, and voting will take place that evening as well.

If you have any topics that you would like to be discussed at the meeting, please email those to and we will be happy to add that onto the agenda.

Annual Meeting 2023 – Financials (Budget vs Actual)

Link to see bigger version:

CVNA Budget and Actuals 2018-2023

Annual Meeting 2023 Minutes

[Read more…]

Board Minutes – August 2022

CVNA Meeting Agenda for August 2022

  • Call meeting to order 
  • Introductions from everyone
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes
  • Elect officers
  • Elect chairs for committees

Treasurer Report

  • Updates from Jeannie Stroth
  • How many new move ins have we had? 
  • Talk about auto pay for online accounts


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn
  • Ratify Evotes for construction

Covenant violation:

  • Do we have any new covenant violations?

Old Business:

  • Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings
  • New Entrance is almost complete. We will need to start gathering quotes. Need to start moving forward with quotes to be decided after annual meeting. 
  • Lights on Bay Hill Drive along pond bank? 
  • The city is going to install. Are there any updates on time frames? Missy Quinn

New Business

  • Yard of the Month for July 5155 Shane Henry 
  • Annual Meeting will Be at 19th hole 6:00 PM
  • Next meeting is meeting Monday September 12th at the 19th hole @ 530pm 

-6:15pm START Call meeting to order

-Welcome: from Kris Adams

-Introduction of board members: in attendance Kris Adams, Missy Quinn, Jeannie Stroth, Steve Scherrey, Latresha Woodruff, Alan Kizer, Harry Smith, and Jessica Nichols. (not in attendance: Amy Fulmer, Melissa Reibe, and Stephen Wallace) 

-Others in attendance: 34 others

-Guest speaker: Chris Harris

-Board members re-elected: Stephen Wallace, Missy Quinn, and Steve Scherrey. Elected new board members: Karla Braswell and David McClain. *Motion to approve, First Bryan Quinn, Second Kyle Ratliff


-New move ins: 0

-Auto payment on website, motion to approve, First Bryan Quinn, Second Kyle Ratliff

-All annual dues collected (274 properties in Centennial)

-Landscaping, flower beds, yard of the month, Christmas lights, Kona Ice, Summer Event Pool Party

-7:12pm END annual meeting

-7:22pm START call meeting to order

-Approve July minutes

-COVENANT VIOLATIONS: Lost Canyon new build violation

-Elect officers: Jeannie Stroth-Treasurer, First Missy Quinn, Second Latresha Woodruff

Kris Adams-President, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Alan Kizer

Missy Quinn-Vise President, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Steve Scherrey

Jessica Nichols-Secretary, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Steve Scherrey


-Adding Alan Kizer to ACC committee because Harry Smith is leaving

-Approve Kareem & Hanan Kattom, 1820 Warwick Hills Ln, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Steve Scherrey

-Think about special projects, entrances, security cameras

-8:27pm Motions to end meeting, First Missy Quinn, Second David McClain

Annual Meeting Minutes – 2021


8/13/2021 6:35 p.m. 

Welcome from Kris Adams, CVNA President  

Introduction of 2020-2021 Board Members 

Steve Scherrey, Vice President; Linda Beene Ballard, Treasurer: Amy 

Fulmer, Secretary; Missy Quinn, Chair of Architectural Control 

Committee; LaTresha Woodruff, Harry Smith, Stephen Wallace



Developer Hal Crafton:  discussed development of the new Centennial addition


New Member Board Elections for 2021-2022: 

Jessica Nichols and Alan Kizer

 2020-2021 Presentation:  

Centennial Valley has 263 properties, 11 more are to be added with new addition

The CVNA Board 2020-2021 completed the following:

– 39 covenant violations sent out, involving 24 different residents with minor issues.  Of the 24 residents 19 complied

– 1 lien filed on a resident 


Accomplishments 2020-2021 

– All entrances decorated for the holidays

– Year round landscaping maintained

– Annual ongoing maintenance of 6 entrances

– Review/Approved 13 requests for new home plans, home additions, pools, outdoor rooms

– $75 gift cards for Halloween and Holidays decorating to residence

– Yard of the month contest for all CVNA homes, May, June, July & August sponsored by GardenScapes gift designs by Kristen 

– Kona Ice snow cones for CVNA kids twice

– CVNA pool party 80 residents attended

– New security cameras systems installed 

– StreetScapes project: Hogan entrance completed September 2020, Lost Canyon completed June 2021

Resident Input 

– More led lighting for better security camera pictures

What are the covenant issues?

– Garbage cans being left out too long is a city issue, being visible from the street is a covenant issue


Budget 2021-2022

– Kris reviewed the budget and requested budget approval and waiving od board member POA dues . Harry Smith moved for approval, Amy Fulmer seconded

Meeting adjourned: 7:25 pm



Annual Meeting Minutes – 2020


8/17/20 6:30 p.m.

Welcome from Kris Adams, CVNA President

Introduction of 2019-2020 Board Members

Steve Scherrey, Vice President; Linda Beene Ballard, Treasurer: Amy

Fulmer, Secretary; Missy Quinn, Chair of Architectural Control

Committee; LaTresha Woodruff, Phyllis Simon, Harry Smith, Stephen Wallace, Molly Steely


Conway Police Chief William Tapley: discussed expanding training for the Conway Police Department, diversity and recruiting

Developer Hal Crafton:  discussed development of the last Centennial addition, 11 lots target March 2021

Chef Bill Temple:  appreciates the support and welcomes suggestions from the neighborhood


  • Mike Smith, General Manager of CVCC and golf course
  • Jason Miller, Golf Course Superintendent
  • Alesha Cavazos, CVCC Director of Events
  • Christy King, 4700 Bay Hill; organizes garage sale
  • Kristen Warner, Garden Scapes, landscaping & entrances
  • Ted Putnam, Putnam Landscaping
  • CH (Cory) Sanders, CPA

New Member Board Elections:

Kris Adams, LaTresha Woodruff, Joey Cook, Melissa Reibe

 2019-2020 Accomplishment Highlights Presentation:  Streetscapes and landscaping highlights, Kona ice truck for the neighborhood kids, neighborhood bear and Easter bunny window hunts

Financial Report: Linda Beene Ballard

Proposed 2020-2021 Budget: Budget approval and waiving of board member POA dues – Brittany Dunaway moved to approve and Ron Glover second

Adjourn and socialize safely!

Time: 7:50

Board Meeting Minutes: Annual Meeting 2016

CVNA Annual Meeting Minutes.2016

Projects 2015-16