Archives for 2022

Board Minutes – August 2022

CVNA Meeting Agenda for August 2022

  • Call meeting to order 
  • Introductions from everyone
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes
  • Elect officers
  • Elect chairs for committees

Treasurer Report

  • Updates from Jeannie Stroth
  • How many new move ins have we had? 
  • Talk about auto pay for online accounts


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn
  • Ratify Evotes for construction

Covenant violation:

  • Do we have any new covenant violations?

Old Business:

  • Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings
  • New Entrance is almost complete. We will need to start gathering quotes. Need to start moving forward with quotes to be decided after annual meeting. 
  • Lights on Bay Hill Drive along pond bank? 
  • The city is going to install. Are there any updates on time frames? Missy Quinn

New Business

  • Yard of the Month for July 5155 Shane Henry 
  • Annual Meeting will Be at 19th hole 6:00 PM
  • Next meeting is meeting Monday September 12th at the 19th hole @ 530pm 

-6:15pm START Call meeting to order

-Welcome: from Kris Adams

-Introduction of board members: in attendance Kris Adams, Missy Quinn, Jeannie Stroth, Steve Scherrey, Latresha Woodruff, Alan Kizer, Harry Smith, and Jessica Nichols. (not in attendance: Amy Fulmer, Melissa Reibe, and Stephen Wallace) 

-Others in attendance: 34 others

-Guest speaker: Chris Harris

-Board members re-elected: Stephen Wallace, Missy Quinn, and Steve Scherrey. Elected new board members: Karla Braswell and David McClain. *Motion to approve, First Bryan Quinn, Second Kyle Ratliff


-New move ins: 0

-Auto payment on website, motion to approve, First Bryan Quinn, Second Kyle Ratliff

-All annual dues collected (274 properties in Centennial)

-Landscaping, flower beds, yard of the month, Christmas lights, Kona Ice, Summer Event Pool Party

-7:12pm END annual meeting

-7:22pm START call meeting to order

-Approve July minutes

-COVENANT VIOLATIONS: Lost Canyon new build violation

-Elect officers: Jeannie Stroth-Treasurer, First Missy Quinn, Second Latresha Woodruff

Kris Adams-President, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Alan Kizer

Missy Quinn-Vise President, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Steve Scherrey

Jessica Nichols-Secretary, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Steve Scherrey


-Adding Alan Kizer to ACC committee because Harry Smith is leaving

-Approve Kareem & Hanan Kattom, 1820 Warwick Hills Ln, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Steve Scherrey

-Think about special projects, entrances, security cameras

-8:27pm Motions to end meeting, First Missy Quinn, Second David McClain

Board Minutes – July 2022

Meeting CVNA July 11, 2022 


Kris Adams , Steve Scherrey, Missy Quinn(Phone), Harry Smith, Stephen Wallace, Melissa Reibe, Alan Kizer, Jessica Nichols, and Letresha Woodruff 

Kris called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. 

Approval of Minutes, Steve Scherrey did not Provide. 

Treasurer Report: 

Jeannie was out on Business 


6 total submissions 

Michael Sour Fence 

Kizer Fence 

Drew Gainer Fence 

David McClain Fence 

Trey Ott Pool 

Art Worman upgrade 

All approved by board. Harry Smith made motion to approve ACC and Alan Kizer Second. 

Covenant Violations: 

Harry Smith said there were 7 to 8 violations but nothing major. 

Harry has one more year on the board, but he wants someone else to take over the violations. 

Old Business: 

Kris and Steve both looking at quotes on security cameras for entrance. Kris getting quates for Sprinklers on new narrow strip of land on new development.

New Business: 

Kris stated we need new light timer at club entrance. Cost was $190.05 July 28th is CV neighborhood Party from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. 2 tickets per Adult , 3 Life Guards on duty. 

2 new board members needed 

Carla Braswell and Dennis Moore mentioned. 

Discussion of Annual Meeting upcoming: 

Guest speaker maybe Hal Crafton 

Audience someone will need to make motion to approve budget Audience will need motion to wave dues. 

Stephen Wallace made motion to adjourn and Alan Kizer second. Approved.

Board Minutes – May 2022

     CVNA Meeting Minutes for May 2022


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

 “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President x

Missy Quinn

Vice President

X LaTresha Woodruff

Jeannie Stroth


x Steven Wallace



Jessica Nichols

Alan Kizer


Amy Fulmer


X Harry Smith A Steve Scherrey
X Melissa Reibe


  • Call meeting to order at 5:34
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes- moved for approval Steven and seconded Harry


Treasurer Report:

  • Updates from Jeannie Stroth
  • How many new move ins  – none
  • Payment to Shane Henry Attorney – payment up to $300 for legal services – moved for approval Jeannie and seconded by Steven


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn – 
  • Ratify Evotes for construction –– moved for approval Melissa and seconded by Alan
  • 4610 Sawgrass updates
  • 5240 Lost Canyon Drive updates



Covenant violation:

     Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected – political sign      issues

  • Political sign violators and fines $25 per day with a maximum of $5000.  Start date Monday April 11.  Fines as of 5/9/2022 $675 Stephen Douglas Lost Canyon Dr – moved for approval Jeannie Stroth and seconded by Steven Wallace


Old Business:

  • Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings

     New Entrance is almost complete. We will need to start gathering quotes.


  •      Hal Crafton asked to wait until the sidewalk goes in to start work on the beds – ok waiting


  • Lights on Bay Hill Drive along pond bank? The city is going to install. Are there any        updates on time frames? – Missy following up with Hal

New Business

  • Garden Scapes all flowers have been put in beds-done
  • Water has been turned on at all entrances – done
  • Annual Garage Sale June 3rd & 4th. We asked for no signs to be displayed at entrances – done
  • Neighborhood Party at the pool committee/dates & budget? – June 30 Thursday day – 3 hours, 5:30-8:30.  Budget approved up to $3000 –Jeannie Stroth moved for approval seconded Jessica – Melissa and Missy sending email blast
  • Yard of the Month for May 4700 Bay Hill drive Mitch and Christy King – done
  • Volunteers to refill dog waste stations empty trash every two weeks. Looking for a kid to work 4 hours a month for $50 or no more than $1200 a year – Steven moved for approval seconded Melissa 
  • Next meeting is meeting Monday June 13th at 5:30 pm


 Next meeting is meeting Monday April 11th at 5:30 pm

Adjourn- Jeannie Moved to adjourn Melissa seconded – 6:47 pm


Board Minutes – April 2022

CVNA Meeting Minutes for April


“X” Attended; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest 

Kris Adams



Missy Quinn

Vice President


Jeannie Stroth



Amy Fulmer


X LaTresha Woodruff X Steven Wallace
X Alan Kizer X Harry Smith X Melissa Reibe
X Steve Scherrey X Jessica Nichols

Brock King
Douglas Stephens
Aimee Dyson
Justin Charton

  • Call meeting to order
    5.30pm. 4/11/22 Kris Adams called the meeting to order
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes
    Harry Smith – Motion to approve
    Alan Kizer – 2nd
    • Resident guests to discuss Signs
      Guests: Brock King, Douglas Stephens, Aimee Dyson joined the meeting to discuss the covenant rules, specifically #12 regarding signs.
      Brock pointed out that the comma in the sentence indicates a series of 4 items. Brock wants to be able to have a sign in his yard supporting Dr. David Naylor, his friend since childhood. We live together in our neighborhood community and also in the community of Conway.
      Covenant #12 included here for reference:

    Brock pointed out that soccer signs, baseball signs, etc… Easter church signs…  We have a lot of signs. Brock counted 25 signs on his way to our meeting. What does it take to have common sense change? A sign no bigger than 5 square feet? Place it in the flower bed? Limit the amount of time it can be displayed (i.e. during a school sporting season, holiday period, a political race….)
    Aimee Dyson asked what other high end neighborhood associations allow. She checked with Chenal Valley. They allow political signs. What do other neighborhoods do?
    Alan Kizer suggested the end result will be binary: We allow any/all signs or we prohibit all signs. Would allow professional signs that are required, e.g. For Sale signs, new construction. Remodel? New roof? Paint?
    If we change our covenants, what other changes are needed? Combine all covenants into one. Include subsections for square foot requirements.
    Stephen Wallace suggested that we reach out to the neighborhood and survey our members. Ask what they want. How do we do that? Flyer? Email? Combine a team (including the guests who want political signs) 

    Next steps:
    1. Kris Adams will take our covenant document to an attorney to review. The question is whether the interpretation brought forward by our guests is justified. 

    1. Rewriting the covenant document will be necessary. It is ambiguous and not clear. 
    2. Put a team together who are willing to go door to door to our neighbors. Brock King, Douglas Stephens and Aimee Dyson are available to be on the team. 

    Harry Smith recommended the annual meeting is the right venue and timing to have a vote by our membership for any changes that are proposed. 

    Total members = 261
    2/3 vote = 174

    Volunteers to help with survey:
    – Brock King. 501.499.4317
    – Douglas Stephens. 501.730.3988
    – Aimee Dyson. 501.831.4499

    Treasurer Report

  • Updates from Jeannie Stroth
    • How many new move ins have we had?
      – 3 YTD. $900. Addresses? 
    • Purchased dog waste bags $119.99
      – Steve — Motion.
      – Stephen. 2nd
      – Passed
    • Sirco – Does our Backflow testing every year. Work has been done. $225. Per Alan Kizer this is a very typical charge, regardless of who does the work. Jeannie approved Sirco to do the work. The board supports the decision and asked to find out what Travis Thessing charges.
    • Travis Thessing. Backflow Testing. What does he charge to test? Jeannie to follow up.


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn
  • Ratify Evotes
    Kris shared 3 items:
    1. Henderson. 3505 Burnt Pine. Fence submission
    2. Colclasure. Wingfoot new build
    3. David McClain. 5525 Whistling Straights. Pool submission
    Steve S – Motion to approve
    Stephen W – 2nd

    • Discuss pitch on roofs 7/12 minimum
      – Justin Charton joined the meeting to discuss his addition. The new roof will match the house. Discussion with Kris and Harry for more clarification. Missy joined by phone.

    Covenant violation:

    • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected
      – 5515 Whistling Straits. Trailer. Notified twice. Next step is to sent a certified letter
      – Trash cans, 4 political signs, 5 trailers. Sent letters to all
    • Political signs
      – See notes above
    • Easter signs
      – No action. 
    • Rocks on Whistling Straits
      – Cleaned up

    Old Business:

  • Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings
    • New Entrance is almost complete. We will need to start gathering quotes.
      – Stephen Wallace. Will look into Security System needs.
      – Stephen will get quotes for landscaping.
      – Travis. Get a quote.
      – Kris will ask for a quote from electrician guy (Lance Lawrence) for lighting

    New Business

      • Lights on Bay Hill Drive along pond bank? What kind of progress has been made on this project? Missy/Amy
        – Missy called the City of Conway. They will put 3 street lights up. 6 week out schedule. Will let Missy know if there’s any reason it cannot be done.
      • No Parking signs are missing. One will be put back up.

      • Garden Scapes will put out flowers will be put out at entrances
        – Should be this week. 
      • Advertising Signs at entrances
      • RPZs to be turned on in April
      • Easter egg drop for the kids at the club
        – Centennial Club. Melissa R is active with the Club.
        – Kids will gather behind 19th hole.
        – Helicopter egg drop at 2pm. 
      • Neighborhood Party at the pool committee
        – Melissa and Missy will work on it. 
      • Yard of the Month for April Brian and Tabatha Gunnels 5340 Plantation Cove
      • Volunteers to refill dog waste stations empty trash every two weeks.
        – 4 stations. Kris is asking who will step up to take on what he’s been doing… empty the trash can and refill the bags. No one volunteered. When he rolls off the board someone will need to take this task.

      • Quarterly communication through email. Melissa R will research

      • 6.54pm
        Melissa – Motion to adjourn
        Alan – 2nd

  • Next meeting is meeting Monday May 9th at 5:30 pm


Board Minutes – March 2022

     CVNA Meeting Minutes for March 2022


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President A

Missy Quinn

Vice President

X LaTresha Woodruff

Jeannie Stroth


A Steven Wallace



Jessica Nichols

Alan Kizer


Amy Fulmer


X Harry Smith A Steve Scherrey
    X Melissa Reibe


  • Call meeting to order at 5:40
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes- moved for approval Jeannie Stroth and seconded Alan Kizer


Treasurer Report:

  • Updates from Jeannie Stroth— Move in dues missing from5345 Bay Town and 4835 Bay Town and financial statement sent in previous email
  • How many new move ins – none


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn – 4660 Sawgrass adding porch Alan moved for approval and Harry seconded
  • 5525 Whistling Straight – pool addition – Missy moved for approval and Harry seconded

Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected – trash cans 5525 Whistling Straight, trailers on Bay Hill – Letters sent



Old Business:

  • Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings
  • Watch for the new entrance so we can plan a timeline with our installations – work started


New Business

  • Stop Sign for Warwick & Centennial Club – done
  • Lights on Bay Hill Drive along pond bank? – Alan contacting a commercial contractor
  • New mulch put in beds – done
  • RPZ’s to be turned on in April
  • Yard of the month will start in April by Garden Scapes

Next meeting is meeting Monday April 11th at 5:30 pm

Adjourn- LaTresha Moved to adjourn Harry seconded – 6:28


Board Minutes – February 2022

     CVNA Meeting Minutes for February 2022


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President X

Missy Quinn

Vice President

X LaTresha Woodruff

Jeannie Stroth


A Steven Wallace



Jessica Nichols

Alan Kizer


Amy Fulmer


A Harry Smith x Steve Scherrey
    X Melissa Reibe


  • Call meeting to order at 5:39 pm/via WebEx
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes- moved for approval Jeannie Stroth and seconded Melissa Reibe


Treasurer Report:

  • Updates from Jeannie Stroth—financial statement sent in previous email
  • Dues outstanding – At the time of the meeting there was 5 unpaid dues remaining, Jeannie sending out certified letters
  • When should we send out certified letters? – Before February 28th
  • How many new moves – none
  • Options for new payment for dues – Continuing discussion at next in person meeting
  • Gift certificates have been delivered to winners of holiday lights – done


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn – 4705 Bay Hill adding porch LaTresha moved for approval and seconded Alan


Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected – none


Old Business:

  • Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings
  • Cleanup spilled concrete at stop sign on Plantation cove. Kris Adams contacted Mallard Concrete and they sent someone out to clean up the mess – done


New Business

  • Stop Sign for Warwick & Centennial Club are arrived at Rideout and Bradford Fencing is going to install them – $1100 to install signs – Jeannie moved for approval Melissa Reibe
  • Lights on Bay Hill Drive along pond bank? – around $3000 to install other ideas being considered


  • Watch for the new entrance so we can plan a timeline with our installations – still waiting


Next meeting is meeting Monday March 14th at 5:30 pm

– Adjourn- Moved to adjourn Steve Scherrey seconded – 6:28


Board Minutes – January 2022

     CVNA Meeting Minutes for January 2022


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President X

Missy Quinn

Vice President

X LaTresha Woodruff

Jeannie Stroth


X Steven Wallace



Jessica Nichols

Alan Kizer


Amy Fulmer


x Harry Smith x Steve Scherrey
    X Melissa Reibe


  • Call meeting to order at 5:30 pm/via WebEx
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes- moved for approval and second by board members



Treasurer Report:

  • Updates from Jeannie Stroth—financial statement sent in previous email

– Dues outstanding – At the time of the meeting there was an outstanding balance of $4000

– Jeannie requesting a check for $150 for holiday gift certificate winners


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn

– 4665 Sawgrass Cove fence – approved

– 5435 Lost Canyon new construction – approved as submitted

 Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected

– New owner on Sawgrass making updates and painting, a lot of trash and a trailer, Harry will note when complete

Old Business:

  • Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings
  • Ratify Evote- done
  • New stop sign for Warwick & Centennial Club- Kris talking to Rideout
  • Holiday light winner Eric & Gina Turner for Lost Elegant 5140 Lost Canyon
  • Winner for Through a Child’s eyes Chris & Tina Davis 5320 Lost Canyon
  • Thank you for those that helped with putting up Wreathes, Garland and Christmas lights at the interior entrances.



New Business:

– What to do with the Christmas light decorations currently stored in Kris’s attic – discussed donation and possibly someone picking up, suggested Soul Food Cafe

– Stop sign at Bay Hill and Centennial damaged – Kris is having trouble getting it ordered   through Rideout

– Cleanup spilled concrete at the stop sign on Plantation Cove – Contacting Hall to clean up

– Pothole on Plantation Cove – calling street department

– Watch for new entrance to be completed so we can plan a timeline with our installations

– Next meeting is February  15th at 5:30

Meeting Adjourned 6:30 – moved for approval and second by board members



Board Minutes – November 2021

     CVNA Meeting Minutes for November 2021


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

 “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President


Missy Quinn

Vice President


LaTresha Woodruff


Jeannie Stroth



Steven Wallace



Jessica Nichols

Alan Kizer


Amy Fulmer


Harry Smith


Steve Scherrey


Melissa Reibe


  • Call meeting to order at 5:30 pm

  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes- moved for approval by  Jeannie second by Amy

Treasurer Report:

  • Updates from Jeannie Stroth—financial statement sent in previous email

– Nancy sent out past due invoices, we will address the outstanding dues in January

– renewed CD for 29 months at .5010 


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn—Ratified Evotes for October ACC requests

 Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected

  • Harry sending emails about trailers left out 

  • Complaints about loose dogs in the neighborhood were advised to call animal control

Old Business:

  • Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings

  • Ratify Evotes

– Art Worman 4655 Sawgrass – pool- approved

– Kevin Nash 1600 Warwick Hills – approved

– Tom Poe 4230 Bay Hill – porch – approved

– Christmas light decorations $5294 per year – approved in email – Alan moved for approval, Steve S. second 

– No Halloween contest winner, no judges available


New Business:

– RPZs and sprinklers winterized – done

– Electrician fixed the lights on Centennial Club – will be on treasurer report 

– Holiday light decoration contest to winners will be selected, one through a child’s eye and most elegant.  $75 per winner – Harry m oved for approval Steve S. seconded 

– Stop sign at Bay Hill and Centennial damaged – Steven looking at security video to find out what happened

– The new section at the estates will not have mail boxes – per USPS there will be a community  

Coordinating with Hal on new entrance and timelines – 30-60 days – waiting on brick, shrubs and security cameras until after the entrance is complete

– Land hearing last month: new section will be extending Tyler St. to Cadern Settlement 

– Next meeting is January 10th at 5:30 

Adjourn 6:21 – Harry moved for approval Steve S. seconded 


Coordination with Hal on new entrance and timelines – Missy contacting Hal

Bring new ideas for projects to meeting in September

Next meeting is September 13 at 5:30 pm

Meeting Adjourned at 8:18, Steve S. moved and Alan seconded.