Archives for October 10, 2022

Board Minutes – August 2022

CVNA Meeting Agenda for August 2022

  • Call meeting to order 
  • Introductions from everyone
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes
  • Elect officers
  • Elect chairs for committees

Treasurer Report

  • Updates from Jeannie Stroth
  • How many new move ins have we had? 
  • Talk about auto pay for online accounts


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn
  • Ratify Evotes for construction

Covenant violation:

  • Do we have any new covenant violations?

Old Business:

  • Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regular scheduled meetings
  • New Entrance is almost complete. We will need to start gathering quotes. Need to start moving forward with quotes to be decided after annual meeting. 
  • Lights on Bay Hill Drive along pond bank? 
  • The city is going to install. Are there any updates on time frames? Missy Quinn

New Business

  • Yard of the Month for July 5155 Shane Henry 
  • Annual Meeting will Be at 19th hole 6:00 PM
  • Next meeting is meeting Monday September 12th at the 19th hole @ 530pm 

-6:15pm START Call meeting to order

-Welcome: from Kris Adams

-Introduction of board members: in attendance Kris Adams, Missy Quinn, Jeannie Stroth, Steve Scherrey, Latresha Woodruff, Alan Kizer, Harry Smith, and Jessica Nichols. (not in attendance: Amy Fulmer, Melissa Reibe, and Stephen Wallace) 

-Others in attendance: 34 others

-Guest speaker: Chris Harris

-Board members re-elected: Stephen Wallace, Missy Quinn, and Steve Scherrey. Elected new board members: Karla Braswell and David McClain. *Motion to approve, First Bryan Quinn, Second Kyle Ratliff


-New move ins: 0

-Auto payment on website, motion to approve, First Bryan Quinn, Second Kyle Ratliff

-All annual dues collected (274 properties in Centennial)

-Landscaping, flower beds, yard of the month, Christmas lights, Kona Ice, Summer Event Pool Party

-7:12pm END annual meeting

-7:22pm START call meeting to order

-Approve July minutes

-COVENANT VIOLATIONS: Lost Canyon new build violation

-Elect officers: Jeannie Stroth-Treasurer, First Missy Quinn, Second Latresha Woodruff

Kris Adams-President, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Alan Kizer

Missy Quinn-Vise President, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Steve Scherrey

Jessica Nichols-Secretary, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Steve Scherrey


-Adding Alan Kizer to ACC committee because Harry Smith is leaving

-Approve Kareem & Hanan Kattom, 1820 Warwick Hills Ln, First Jeannie Stroth, Second Steve Scherrey

-Think about special projects, entrances, security cameras

-8:27pm Motions to end meeting, First Missy Quinn, Second David McClain

Board Minutes – July 2022

Meeting CVNA July 11, 2022 


Kris Adams , Steve Scherrey, Missy Quinn(Phone), Harry Smith, Stephen Wallace, Melissa Reibe, Alan Kizer, Jessica Nichols, and Letresha Woodruff 

Kris called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. 

Approval of Minutes, Steve Scherrey did not Provide. 

Treasurer Report: 

Jeannie was out on Business 


6 total submissions 

Michael Sour Fence 

Kizer Fence 

Drew Gainer Fence 

David McClain Fence 

Trey Ott Pool 

Art Worman upgrade 

All approved by board. Harry Smith made motion to approve ACC and Alan Kizer Second. 

Covenant Violations: 

Harry Smith said there were 7 to 8 violations but nothing major. 

Harry has one more year on the board, but he wants someone else to take over the violations. 

Old Business: 

Kris and Steve both looking at quotes on security cameras for entrance. Kris getting quates for Sprinklers on new narrow strip of land on new development.

New Business: 

Kris stated we need new light timer at club entrance. Cost was $190.05 July 28th is CV neighborhood Party from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. 2 tickets per Adult , 3 Life Guards on duty. 

2 new board members needed 

Carla Braswell and Dennis Moore mentioned. 

Discussion of Annual Meeting upcoming: 

Guest speaker maybe Hal Crafton 

Audience someone will need to make motion to approve budget Audience will need motion to wave dues. 

Stephen Wallace made motion to adjourn and Alan Kizer second. Approved.