Archives for June 2019

Board Minutes – May, 2019

Date: May 20, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Linda Beene Ballard      Secretary: Mindy Pipkin      Treasurer: Ted Smith

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X  Linda Beene Ballard
X  Jerry Dumais
X  Ed Ellis

X  Mindy Pipkin
X  Phyllis Simon

X  Molly Steely
X  Ted Smith

X  Peggy Woosley
X  LaTresha Woodruff

X  Kris Adams
X  Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Linda.

Approval of minutes
For monthly meeting of April 15, 2019.
Peg moved for approval of minutes, Ted seconded, and passed.
Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web.  Mindy, Phyllis

Financial reports, dues payments
Ted presented financial reports. Unpaid 2018-19 dues by Vickers was discussed.

Improved condition of yard at 4550 SC was discussed & petition of property owner to have fines and lien removed, get 2017 dues paid.
Board agreed to send Vickers letter.  Ted moved, Jerry seconded & passed to offer removing liens from 4550 SC if & when past due 2017-18 dues, legal fees and costs are paid by July 12.
Letter will be sent to Alexander, owner of 4550 SC representing Board’s offer.  Linda

Ratify e-votes
Discussion of proposed deck at 5415 WS
Molly moved, Phyllis seconded & passed to ratify Board’s e-vote.
Notify homeowner  Linda

Pond Bank landscaping
Discussion on project, Kristin, Gardenscapes owner, was guest. She estimated between $50 & $100 additional charge per month for maint. Sprinkler installation cost is $1637 and creating beds & landscaping is $6395.
Jerry moved, Ted seconded & passed to spend up to $9,000 to install Conway Corp connection for sprinklers, piping, heads and landscaping for pond bank.
Kris will provide leadership for this project.   Kris

Tree replacement
Dogwood tree in sliver lot has been lost.
Peg moved, Kris seconded & passed to replace dogwood tree.
Arrangement to be made.  Linda

Wayne moved to adjourn, Kris seconded, and passed.
Next meeting will be June 17, 2019 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: May 20, 2019

Board Minutes – April, 2019

Date: April 15, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Linda Beene Ballard      Secretary: Mindy Pipkin Treasurer:      Ted Smith

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X  Linda Beene Ballard
X  Jerry Dumais
X  Ed Ellis

X  Mindy Pipkin

A  Phyllis Simon

X  Molly Steely
X  Ted Smith

X  Peggy Woosley
A  LaTresha Woodruff

X  Kris Adams
X  Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/ActioPERSON RESPONSIBLE for FOLLOW UP

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Linda.

Approval of minutes
For monthly meeting of March 11, 2019.
Peg moved for approval of minutes, Wayne seconded, and passed.
Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web.
Mindy, Phyllis

Financial reports, dues payments
Discussed moving a portion of the CVNA funds to a higher-earning CD at First Service Bank with a monthly compound.Discussed that only 1 homeowner (Vickers) has not paid their annual dues.
Ted moved to transfer $30K currently in CD plus another $10K in operating to new CD’s, Jerry seconded, and passed.A hearing notice will be sent to the Vickers.
Ted will cash out existing CD’s at Centennial Bank and arrange new CD’s.
Ted  Linda

Ratify e-votes
5240 Bay Town – Pergola Roof
Molly moved, Ed seconded, and passed to ratify e-votes.

Discussed renewal of Cinn. InsurancePeg moved, Mindy seconded, and passed to renew the insurance.  Ted, Linda
5475 Whistling Straights
Discussed issue with the Kona Ice Trucks (Vickers and Elms properties) that are being operating out of the neighborhood. Decided that a letter to notify only residential use of lots.
Peg moved, Jerry seconded, and passed to send letter.

Rush-Hal letter shale pit
Letter was discussed again.
Decision was that Mindy would write the letter.  Mindy

Garage Sale
Christy King is handling the neighborhood yard sale, which is June 7 – 8, 2019

4715 Bay Hill
The ACC recommended approval of the pool.
Peg moved, Ed seconded, and passed to approval pool application.

Signs for Pond Bank
Kris reported that the no-parking signs have been installed on the pond bank.

Molly moved to adjourn, Mindy seconded, and passed.
Next meeting will be May 20, 2019 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: April 15, 2019