Archives for July 24, 2018

Board Minutes – June, 2018

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Linda Beene Ballard X Molly Steely X Ed Ellis
X Mindy Pipkin X Phyllis Simon
X Jerry Dumais X Ted Smith
X Peggy Woosley X LaTresha Woodruff
X Kris Adams X Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Linda at 5:30 pm .
Approval of minutes For meeting of May 14, 2018. Peggy moved to table review of May 14 meeting minutes until July meeting, Kris seconded, passed.
Financial & Budget reports Ted reviewed financial reports prepared by Cory; Phyllis recapped budget report prepared from monthly financials and sent by email. Linda reported $3,000 check received from lien for covenant violations was deposited. Draft budget for next year will be considered at July meeting. Linda, Phyllis
Review of proposed “Standards”
draft Proposed draft of “Standards” document was discussed. Phyllis moved, Molly seconded and passed to reword into “Guidelines” explaining & clarifying Covenant requirements. To extent possible, a draft “crosswalk” between Guidelines and Covenants will be prepared. Phyllis
Boudrie pergola
ACC recommendation for approval of pergola as landscaping project was discussed. Ed moved, Peg seconded to approve landscaping project for Boudrie pergola. .Linda will notify homeowner. Linda
Mailbox painting Project is underway, estimated that 81 mailboxes need to be painted @ about $4500 ; .Project has started, going well. .
Annual Garage sales Sale was largest ever, 30 families involved. Linda moved, Molly seconded and passed to give Christy King $50 gift card for her effort in organizing sale. Present gift card to Christy. Linda
Covenant Violations Major weeds along ditch between houses on Burnt Pine and Warwick Hills were discussed. Decided that this is homeowner responsibility, Kris moved and Peg seconded to send violation notices. Send violation notices.

CPD Directed Patrol Action Linda, Jerry, LaTresha met with CPD Maj Tapley this week, 5 warnings, 2 violations given Effort to maintain safety with golf carts will continue.
New Business Ed proposed efforts to improve drainage behind some Bay Hill homes. Effort will be made to contact Hal and discuss ideas. Linda
Adjournment Peg moved to adjourn, Ted seconded and passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
By: _Linda Beene Ballard_____ Date: June 11, 2018

Board Minutes – May, 2018

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Linda Beene Ballard X Jerry Dumais X Ed Ellis
X Mindy Pipkin X Phyllis Simon
A Molly Steely X Ted Smith
A Peggy Woosley X LaTresha Woodruff
A Kris Adams X Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Linda.
Approval of minutes For monthly meeting of April 9, 2018, and special meeting of April 30, 2018. Jerry moved for approval of minutes, Ed seconded, and passed. Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web. Mindy, Phyllis
E-votes Ratified e-votes on 4540 SC fence and 5225 Burnt Pine fence. Ed moved for approval fences, LaTresha seconded, and passed.

Financial reports and Annual Dues Ted reviewed the CPA’s financial statements. He also discussed change of CDs to 1.5%.
Summary of Standards The Board went page-by-page through the proposed standards.
AAC Discussed request from 1735 Centennial Club for a pool house. Ed moved to approve application for a pool house, Ted seconded, and passed.
Privacy Panel Discussed the privacy panel for a metal-driveway gate at 5135 Burnt Pine. The homeowner wants to store a pop-up camper behind the fence. The Board agreed to table the discussion for a different date.
Shrubbery versus annuals Discussed annuals at all entrances. Linda proposed $850 plus labor for 40 drift roses and 40 lipriope. Discussed that roses will be more cost-effective than annuals in the long run. Mindy moved to approve annuals, Wayne seconded, and passed.
Concrete Repair at Tyler and Bay Hill The concrete path at Tyler and Bay Hill is damaged along the cart path. Our contractor damaged the concrete. The contractor has not responded to the request to pay for the damage. Ed moved to approve the concrete repair at a maximum of $380, Wayne seconded, and passed.
RPZ Testing RPZ testing is required by Conway Corporation, which costs $200. Phyllis moved to approve RPZ testing, Ted seconded, and passed
Off-duty Police Officers Conway Police Department is concerned about entering an agreement to increase patrol for payment; it will increase patrol without payment.
Yard of the Month Kris announced that was the winner for the yard of the month was the Bolding family. Kris will notify the homeowner. Kris
Annual Garage Sale Discussed the annual garage sale will take place on June 1 – 2, 2018. Christy King is handling the advertisement details.
Boulder Linda reported on status of boulder(s) at Hogan entrance. Linda
Adjourn moved to adjourn, seconded, and passed. Next meetings will be June 11, 2018 and July 9, 2018 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.

The annual meeting will be August 6, 2018.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: May 14, 2018