Archives for July 15, 2020

Board Minutes – June, 2020

DATE: June 8, 2020        TIME: 6:00 p.m.         PLACE: CVCC
PRESIDENT: Kris Adams         SECRETARY: Amy Fulmer         TREASURER: Linda Beene Ballard

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Kris Adams X Missy Quinn X LaTresha Woodruff
A Steve Scherrey X Phyllis Simon
A Amy Fulmer X Harry Smith
X Linda Beene Ballard X Molly Steely
X Stephen Wallace

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Kris
Approval of minutes
Approval of May meetings minutes Linda moved for approval of minutes, Harry second

Treasurer Report

Updates from Linda: $5K predicted to remain in budget for FY if no major repairs.
We have $41K plus interest in CD’s that mature 6/26/20. Board agreed to cancel auto renew to explore different rates. In the last several only income from dues were proposed in the budget.

Linda: should we propose a different budget to include projects?

Linda, Kris and Steve meeting with CPA to discuss annual status. TBD


Hearing for Dietz, Vickers should be in person: Dietz not present but cleaned up however stumps still remain.  Dietz has 2 weeks to remove stumps deadline 6/8/20
Vickers: not present. Board votes to impose second lien via Shane Henry as well as all fines, fees and court costs for the 2019-2020 dues.  Molly moved for approval Missy second


4715 Bay Hill Dr. Batson driveway: Evote approved. ratify  Approved by Evote: Linda moved, Harry second to Ratify Evote

1905 Centennial Club Dr. (Ward): Approved fence, however it was installed at a height that was not approved.  Missy to contact

Covenant Violations

5240 Lost Canyon Camper(Chartans) in road 2nd notice sent camper was moved.  Homeowner responded with more questions, 3rd notice will be sent if it returns and the city has been notified.  Kris/Phyllis

5235 Lost Canyon Trailer in drive way 1st notice sent:  Homeowner corrected after in person conversation

4675 Sawgrass trailer in back yard golf course lot: 3rd notice need to send certified letter.  Board decide to send certified letter to appear for a hearing. Molly moved for approval, Harry second.

Old Business

Reminder reporting on covenant violations: Kris weeks, Steve week 3. Harry 4. Linda

Have a signature line added for Covenant violations for more personal touch with Kris Adams Contact information. How should it read? Molly putting together an email reminding all neighbor of the covenant violations and how they are addressed.

Stamped concrete complete what do you think:  Further discussion next meeting

New Business

Stamped Concrete plan for entrances and golf cart crossings.  Further discussion coming next meeting

Ants in electrical treated and electrical fixed for sprinklers.  Undetermined if there is damage

Annual contract for ant control in the spring:  Linda moved to have Delta put us on an annual contract and Harry second

Rose bushes and Hogan have a disease and are dead. Plan for replacing Kristen Garden Scapes suggestion for replacement can bill after fiscal year for budget $200.00 estimated for project.  Replacing bushes with evergreens and perennials, Molly moved to approve $200 for labor and materials and Linda second

Garage sale weekend successful?  Garage sale went well

Steve Scherrey Snow Cones a date would you like to order sponsored cups. Steve to schedule

Date for annual meeting? Missy food budget?  Annual meeting August 17. Food budget $350.

Yard of the month 5130 Baytown Jan & Bill Wofford

Open floor does anyone have suggestions you would like to see in the neighborhood?  Further discussion needed

How much should we have saved for a safety net?   Further discussion needed

Next Board meeting will be on July 13th 2020 at 6:00

Molly moved for adjournment Harry second
