Archives for June 9, 2020

Board Minutes – May, 2020

DATE: May 11, 2020           TIME: 6:00 p.m.           PLACE: CVCC
PRESIDENT: Kris Adams           SECRETARY: Amy Fulmer           TREASURER: Linda Beene Ballard

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Kris Adams X Missy Quinn X LaTresha Woodruff
x Steve Scherrey X Phyllis Simon
X Amy Fulmer X Harry Smith
X Linda Beene Ballard X Molly Steely
X Stephen Wallace

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Kris
Approval of minutes
Approval of April meetings minutes Molly moved for approval of minutes, Phyllis second

Treasurer Report

Updates from Linda

Aging report for unpaid dues updates: Vickers still unpaid (2 years)

Would like President/Vice president /Treasurer to visit for 30 minutes with CPA set a date wait until after COVID-19


Hearing for Dietz and Vickers delayed for COVID until June

1905 Centennial Club Dr.: Missy recommended approval.  Approved by Evote, Linda moved to Ratify Evote

1820 Warwick Dr. sunroom:  Missy waiting on plot plan before sending out for approval

Covenant Violations
5480 Lost Canyon: Donny Dietz owner: will reschedule hearing possibly with WebEx and a new certified letter
4125 Bay Hill Drive Trailer:  Letter sent
4675 Sawgrass trailers in back yard golf course lot: still not removed  Letter sent
4330 Bay Hill: aggressive dog issue:  Owner contacted, leashing dog and pricing fence   Kris/Phyllis

Old Business

Reminder: Reporting Covenant Violations: Week 1 Kris, Week 2 Steve, Week 3 Harry, Week 4 Linda

New Business

Ratify Evotes:

Kona Ice: complete

1605 Torey Pines Cogdill Patio Cover: complete
5475 Whistling Straights deck: complete
1820 Warwick sunroom: complete

Kona Ice Snow cones for kids $250: approved; total $316.80. Kris Adams covered the $66.80 difference   Great participation, looking for an additional date. Wells Fargo will sponsor a max total of $350.

New sign for Pond Bank: installed   Kris took additional measure to make sure the signs are secure

Dog Waste Bags ordered: refilled

Senior Parade this Sunday 5/17 at 1:00   Phyllis sending out email to neighborhood

Neighborhood Garage Sale June 5th & 6th   Phyllis sending out email to neighborhood

Would like to find a sponsor to do free snow cones later in the summer: {Steve Scherrey} Wells Fargo

Need volunteer to ask Alesha for a date we can have annual meeting in August:   Missy volunteered

Update on stamped concrete project Missy Quinn   Centennial Club entrance complete (looks amazing!) Second entrance starting

Yard of the month 4660 Sawgrass Cove Ellis & Kim Arnold

Next Board meeting will be on June 8th 2020 at 6:00: hopefully in person    Missy moved for adjournment Linda second

Adjourn   Time: 6:52
