Archives for March 2020

Board Minutes – February, 2020

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Kris Adams X Missy Quinn X LaTresha Woodruff
x Steve Scherrey X Phyllis Simon
X Amy Fulmer A Harry Smith
X Linda Beene Ballard X Molly Steely
X Jerry Dumais X Stephen Wallace

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Kris

Approval of minutes
approve last meetings minutes from January 22, 2019 Jerry moved for approval of minutes, Kris second

Treasurer Report
Report on unpaid dues: $1500 balance, $250 outstanding from 2019Certified sent out to remaining unpaid homeowners.

Hearing offered March 9th meeting -Kris

No new submissions made to ACC

Discuss what to do if someone starts a project without contacting the ACC.

Ask homeowner to stop work until the proper forms are filled out
Discussed sending out reminders about the ACC conditions -Kris/Jerry


Covenant Violations
5480 Lost Canyon trailer in driveway 72 hours

Kris contacting homeowner to have trailer removed by 2/17/20. Phyllis sending email stating the step is a hearing 3/9/20 meeting.

5505 Lost canyon Christmas lights still up rental home – Lights removed

Old Business

Sliver lot approved tree replacement – Waiting for spring planting

Reminder: Reporting Covenant Violations: Week 1 Kris, Week 2 Jerry, Week 3 Steve, Week 4 Harry

Phyllis is sending out email notices

New Business

1620 Warwick solar panels approved ratify evotes

Linda moved for approval Phyllis second

All certified letters have been sent out before February 1st. Hearings for unpaid dues will be heard at next board meeting.

In process

Need to find sponsor for Yard of the month starting in March

Kris asking Plant Outlet and making a sign. Cost for sign $40

Update on stamped concrete project Missy Quinn

City approved with no conditions. Herringbone matching existing brick agreed upon.

Update on speed control signs on Centennial Club drive Missy Quinn

Speed control signs $3000 each, not enough budget money this year to consider


Steve Scherrey moved, Molly second

Next Board meeting will be on March 9th 2020 at 6:00