Archives for February 2021

Board Minutes – February 2021

     CVNA Meeting minutes for February 2021


X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent;

 “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest


Kris Adams President A

Missy Quinn

Vice President

X LaTresha Woodruff

Linda Beene Ballard


x Steven Wallace x Joey Cook

Amy Fulmer


Harry Smith x Jeannie Stroth
X Melissa Reibe A Steve Scherrey


  • Call meeting to order – 6:01pm
  • Go over and approve last meetings minutes- Linda motioned for approval, Harry second


Treasurer Report:

  • Updates from Linda Beene – Report sent prior to meeting
  • Report on unpaid dues how man do we have left?- Email to be sent out to the 4 unpaid homeowners left with 6 months late notice – Melissa sending out email that dues are 6 months overdue and a lien will be filed on properties that are not paid ASAP.


  • Updates for approval from Missy Quinn 
  •  4225 Bayhill Dr.- McDaniel’s plot plan for their circle drive – Harry motioned for approval, Steven seconded
  • 5230 Burnt Pine Dr. – Sward deck and pergola project – Jeannie motioned for a approval, Steven second


Covenant violation:

  • Updates from Harry Smith on new violations and actions taken or corrected

– Fairway Lawns signs – Harry contacted Fairway Lawns and talked to Adam and went over the yard sign usage large advertising signs are not to be used but the small yellow flags are ok.


Old Business:

  • Ratify Evotes – done
  • Need someone to add minutes to Website “Secretary”?

–  Melissa was able to get this completed for missing minutes

  • Updates on directory format – Melissa checking 
  • Any new move homeowners to be visited – Not currently


New Business: 

  • The Estates at Centennial coming this summer – 11 new lots, they will be included in the covenants  

 – 3000 SQ Ft minimum, Fence with wrought iron and brick along the asphalt

   Road and would like to add brick entrance like other entrances in Centennial.    Warwick will be the construction entrance, 11 lots will be part of the POA


  • Has anything changed in the covenants since the last section was built? Hal needs a copy emailed to him so he can copy it – No changes in covenants, some bylaws have changed


  • Things to take back to Hal? Cameras/internet/ lighting/sprinklers can we have Kristen@ Garden Scapes do landscaping? – Hal would like the same StreetScapes and cameras. 

– Kristen will be asked to do landscaping.  Hal will be responsible for paying for these once construction is complete



  • Garden Scapes will do yard of the month – CVNA will pay for signs $35 up to $50. Suggested nice gift basket instead of cash for monthly prize – Jeannie motioned for approval, Joey second




  • Bidding for landscaping. Garden Scapes is working on a detailed list of what they do and will give us a quote for 2021 growing season


-Kristen gave a new quote for February 2021-2022 for $1912.50 per month plus tax – Jeannie motioned for approval, Steven second

(Suggested Travis Thessing taking care of sprinklers)



  • Updates from Missy at next meeting in March on Rib Cook-off – Moved to next meeting




  • Projects for 2021 what is the remaining balance on project budget? Project idea Redo landscaping in some of the entrances? Finish entrances with StreetScapes? Dinner for 2 on Valentine’s Day?


– Have Kristen work up bid for landscaping the sliver lot and do Evote

– More cameras for entrance islands

– Nominating couples on new CVNA Facebook page and picking one couple for a dinner   for 2 at the 19th Hole on Valentine’s Day for $150 – Harry motioned for approval, Jeannie second 



  • Next meeting March 9th 2021 at 6:00 pm


– Meeting ended 7:21, Steven motioned for approval, Jeannie second