Archives for April 2018

Board Minutes – March 2018

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Linda Beene Ballard X Jerry Dumais X Ed Ellis
A Mindy Pipkin X Phyllis Simon
X Molly Steely X Ted Smith
X Peggy Woosley A LaTresha Woodruff
X Kris Adams X Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Linda.
Approval of minutes For monthly meeting of February 12, 2018. Jerry moved for approval of minutes, Peggy seconded, and passed. Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web. Mindy, Phyllis
E-votes Ratified e-votes on sealing of entrance wall and fence at 4520 Bay Hill. Peggy moved for approval of e-votes, Ted seconded, and passed.
Financial reports and Annual Dues Ted reviewed the CPA’s financial statements. Discussed unpaid dues.
New Entrance Linda also reported on the progress of the new entrance.
AAC Discussed request from 4520 Bay Hill. Recommended that further discussion with homeowner. Ed moved for approval of ACC recommendation, Ted seconded, and passed.
Yard of the Month Discussed contest for yard of month including signage, rules, and costs to CVNA ($40 for two yard signs). Kris moved for approval of the contest, Ed seconded, and passed.
Mailboxes Discussed bid from Dallas Brown for $65 per box for painting of single mailbox, $80 for painting of double mailbox, and $40 per box for correcting the slant. Peggy moved for approval of mailbox painting, Kris seconded, and passed. Peggy will visit the homeowners with no email address. Peggy
Bumps / Stripes Discussed homeowners wanting more speed bumps. The board discussed possible options and agreed to table the discussion until the next board meeting.
Boulder Efforts are continuing to obtain a boulder for the Hogan entrance.
Adjourn Jerry moved to adjourn, Peggy seconded, and passed. Next meeting will be April 9, 2018 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: March 12, 2018