Archives for 2019

Board Minutes – October, 2019

Date: October 14, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Kris Adams      Secretary: Amy Fulmer      Treasurer: Linda Beene Ballard

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
XKris Adams
XMissy Quinn
XLaTresha Woodruff

XSteve Scherrey
XPhyllis Simon (Called in)

XAmy Fulmer
XHarry Smith

XLinda Beene Ballard
XMolly Steely

XJerry Dumais
XStephen Wallace

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:
Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Kris

Approval of minutes

Approve last meetings minutes and annual meeting minutes from September 16, 2019
Jerry moved for approval of minutes, Steve S. seconded, and passed.

Hearing for Scott Taylor
5435 Whistling Straits: Kris received a letter from Plant Outlet noting a start date for rock project that would start 30-45 days out. Project has been already paid. Scott is being asked by Kris to have Plant Outlet clean up the rocks for the project by October 21 or be fined $100 a day for every day after until cleaned.Kris is asking Scott Taylor to approve the rocks being moved by Plant Outlet until project begins

Treasurer Report
Report on unpaid dues:

Updated balances:

Board members send out notes to remaining unpaid homeowners

New Report: Nov. 1   Linda


5415 Whistling Straits: screening/new door ratify

5305 Baytown: adding vaulted ceiling over existing concrete
Construction plan conforms to existing structures


Kris moved
Steve S. seconded

Covenant Violations
5435 Whistling Straits has rock piled up behind his house in side lot: Certified letter sent 9/26/19

Decisions discussed in Hearing for Scott Taylor section   Kris

Old Business

Unpaid Dues by Vickers- Lien filed 9/16/19 by attorney Shane Henry/Kris Adams signed off

The drainage ditch south of Bay town and between Warwick hills cleared except for 2 lots.  Hornets are on the last 2 lots and are waiting until the first frost to clear   Kris

New Business

-Holiday Lights cost for Crafton purchase-$224.89-Approved
-Halloween Decorating contest prize $150-Approved
-Halloween Bash for club $500-Approved

Covenant violations process needing improvement. Changes proposed.Small Committee (Kris, Jerry, Harry and Steve S.) formed. 3 step process discussed: 1. Send homeowner generic letter
2. Send second notice again generic
3. Certified letter to homeowner

Phyllis will be the letter writer
Jerry motioned/Steven W seconded

3rd Annual Holiday Light contest:
-Most Elegant $75 winner
-Through a child’s eye $75

Total $150 approved- Kris moved
Harry Second

Holiday lights by Lynn Crafton quote:Quote that includes Warwick Hills $3500/Labor $1000/Expenses approved
Linda motioned
Steve S. second

Yard of the month for October:
1640 Warwick Hills Lisa & Travis Douglas

Stamped concrete researched by Missy Quinn.

Missy getting official bids from Trafficscapes and DuraTherm
Missy suggested we look at

Warwick Hills contract with Cheryl and Dale Bruins amendment:

The Bruins do not want to maintain the Warwick entrance.
Kris discussing with Bruins about paying ½ of the cost of Warwick maintenance and Christmas lights. Also asking Kevin Leach to clean debris from his lot. Liability Insurance will be added by Linda once Kevin’s lot is cleaned up.
Kris Motioned
Steve Second

Contract renewal with Garden Scapes

Linda researching what we paid last year. Board will decide by Evote

Fairway Lawns service application $166 doesn’t include new areas
Putnam Lawn Care service application $155 includes new entrance and pond bank

Going forward with Putnam Lawn Care
Harry motioned
Jerry seconded


Kris moved to adjourn, Molly second and passed.
Next meeting will be November 11, 2019 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.













Board Minutes – September, 2019

Date: September 16, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Kris Adams      Secretary: Amy Fulmer      Treasurer: Linda Beene Ballard

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Kris Adams
X Missy Quinn
X LaTresha Woodruff

X Steve Scherrey
X Phyllis SimoXAmy Fulmer
X Harry Smith

X Linda Beene Ballard
X Molly Steely

X Jerry Dumais
X Stephen Wallace

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:
Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Kris

Approval of minutes
Approve last meeting’s minutes and annual meeting minutes from August 12, 2019
Jerry moved for approval of minutes, Steve seconded, and passed.

Financial reports, dues payments
46 unpaid dues
Insurance policy paid-per Linda
Tax return to be filed by Linda

No applications for approval this month. Residents will submit ACC forms via

Jerry moved for approval, Linda seconded, and passed.

Covenant Violations
5435 Whistling Straits has rock piled up behind his house inside lot. –Kris contacted Homeowner said that the pile was part of an ongoing Plant Outlet project.

5230 Lost Canyon has trash cans not behind approved fencing-Kris contacted and resolved

4905 Bay Hill RV in driveway has been removed.

Old Business

Unpaid Dues by Vickers- Lien put in place for $250 plus fees, Linda sent the homeowner making them aware of the lien.

The drainage ditch south of Bay Town and between Warwick Hills still needs to be cleared by homeowners.  This is the property owners’ responsibility. Kris sending letter to homeowners

New Business

New Dropbox being created for cloud storage of important CVNA documents. General design and contents of CVNA Board Dropbox shared and discussed. Committee members access only because of private homeowner information.  Attention will be given to streamlining records regarding covenant violations.  Phyllis and Kris to continue curating information. Phyllis continues populating Dropbox.

September Yard of the Month winners- Bryan and Melissa Reibe at 5120 Bay Town.

Stamped concrete researched by Missy Quinn.
Missy suggested we look at as that appears to be the most cost efficient with least time involved.  Missy will report with pricing, etc. next meeting.

Entrance maintenance at Warwick Hills not being maintained. This is the St Andrews entrance and should be maintained by its homeowners since it is not CV property. Kris to contact Kevin Leach for more discussion with SAPOA.

Kristen would also like to maintain our neighborhood year around for the same price but split into a 12-month check.  We need a list of what the 12-month obligation would include. Kris to contact Kristen (GardenScapes).


Steven moved to adjourn, Phyllis second and passed.
Next meeting will be October 14, 2019 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.






Annual Meeting Minutes – 2019

August 12, 2019
Members of the CVNA Board welcomed homeowners and members of the Centennial Valley Neighborhood Association and provided an agenda for the meeting as well as presentation of accomplishments during the 2018-19 year. Major projects included:
• Invoicing all homeowners for payment of annual dues and taking required action when dues are not paid; enforcing Centennial Valley covenants
• Annual ongoing maintenance of five entrances plus common areas, sprinklers, pruning & fertilizing shrubs, mowing, winterizing RPZ’s.
• Power washing entrances & sidewalks including use of special biodegradable product to remove brown pond water stains.
• Review & approval of 15 requests for new home plans & home additions
• Conducting Yard of Month contests as well as Holiday Lights and the Halloween Yard contest
• Completed painting of 63 mailboxes in Fairways neighborhood, cleaning mold off five miles of CV curbs, landscaping pond bank on Bay Hill drive and erecting    NO Parking signs

Mayor Bart Castleberry gave a report of recent Conway projects including the paving of Tyler Street and marking with thermoplastic letters. Other streets in Conway are on a schedule for paving.

Financial reports for the past year and a budget for 2019-20 were presented and approved on motion by Travis Douglas, seconded by Neil Hattlestad. The motion included allowing transfer between budget lines and spending up to 10% of net assets over budget as well as forgiving annual dues for Board members who attend at least 8 of the 11 scheduled board meetings each year.

Jim Hicks moved, Steve Scherrey seconded to approve the slate of six proposed board members by acclamation and the motion passed. New and returning board members include Jerry Dumais (returning), Steve Scherrey, Amy Fulmer, Missy Quinn, Harry Smith, and Steve Wallace.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. for homeowners to socialize.

Board Minutes – July, 2019

Date: July 15, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Linda Beene Ballard      Secretary: Mindy Pipkin     Treasurer: Ted Smith

MEMBERS: “X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest

X Linda Beene Ballard

X Jerry Dumais

A Ed Ellis
X Mindy Pipkin

X Phyllis Simon
A Molly Steely

X Ted Smith
X Peggy Woosley

X LaTresha Woodruff
X Kris Adams

A Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Linda.

Approval of minutes For monthly meeting of June 17, 2019. Jerry moved for approval of minutes, Phyllis seconded, and passed. Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web. Mindy, Phyllis

Financial reports, dues payments

Notice was sent to the one homeowner (Vickers) that has failed to pay 2018 – 2019 dues. The board agreed to file a lien against the Vickers’ property. Mindy moved to file a lien, Jerry seconded, and passed. Linda

Existing Lien

Discussed that Alexanders paid the amount requested to release the lien. The board agreed to file a release of lien. Mindy moved, Jerry seconded, and passed. Linda


Discussed issues with getting the contractor to complete the mailboxes. Agreed to pay on a pro-rata basis for the completed work upon submittal of costs.


Discussed condition of sidewalks near the entrance to Fairways. Agreed to spend up to $500 to clean the sidewalks at the Fairway entrance with rust removal produce. Mindy moved, Jerry seconded, and passed. Linda


Ted moved to adjourn, Kris seconded, and passed. The annual meeting is August 12, 2019.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: July 15, 2019

Board Minutes – June, 2019

Date: June 17, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Linda Beene Ballard      Secretary: Mindy Pipkin      Treasurer: Ted Smith

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
Linda Beene Ballard
Jerry Dumais
Ed Ellis
Mindy Pipkin
Phyllis Simon
Molly Steely
Ted Smith
Peggy Woosley
LaTresha Woodruff
Kris Adams
Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Linda.

Approval of minutes
For monthly meeting of May 20, 2019.
Ted moved for approval of minutes, Phyllis seconded, and passed.
Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web.Mindy, Phyllis

Financial reports, dues payments
Discussed that only one homeowner (Vickers) has not paid their 2018-19 annual dues.
The board agreed that a hearing notice will be sent to the Vickers.

Existing Lien
Agreed that Alexander has until July 12, 2019, to pay $532.30 filing fees & 2017-18 dues.
The board agreed to send a letter to Alexander with this information.

Pond Banks
Landscaping is in progress on pond banks. Kris advised that the golf course will pay for moving the signs.

We discussed a few residents in the Fairways area that have not responded to the approval for mailboxes; only 1 resident objected. The painting is/will move forward on the approved boxes.Property Tax Statement
The property tax statement has been received and paid.

Yard of the Month
The person who sponsored the yard of the month last year has been unresponsive this year.
Board agreed to continue the yard of the month and do a $50 visa card or check for the winners.
Peg moved approval for payment of 5 months at $50 each for the yard of the month, Ed seconded, and passed.
Kris will notify winners and checks will be processed.

Shale Issue
Discussed potential changes to draft letter. Board discussed best approach for contacting Crafton.

The annual meeting is August 12, 2019.

Ted moved to adjourn, Kris seconded, and passed.
Next meeting will be in July 15, 2019 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.


Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: June 17, 2019

Board Minutes – May, 2019

Date: May 20, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Linda Beene Ballard      Secretary: Mindy Pipkin      Treasurer: Ted Smith

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X  Linda Beene Ballard
X  Jerry Dumais
X  Ed Ellis

X  Mindy Pipkin
X  Phyllis Simon

X  Molly Steely
X  Ted Smith

X  Peggy Woosley
X  LaTresha Woodruff

X  Kris Adams
X  Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Linda.

Approval of minutes
For monthly meeting of April 15, 2019.
Peg moved for approval of minutes, Ted seconded, and passed.
Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web.  Mindy, Phyllis

Financial reports, dues payments
Ted presented financial reports. Unpaid 2018-19 dues by Vickers was discussed.

Improved condition of yard at 4550 SC was discussed & petition of property owner to have fines and lien removed, get 2017 dues paid.
Board agreed to send Vickers letter.  Ted moved, Jerry seconded & passed to offer removing liens from 4550 SC if & when past due 2017-18 dues, legal fees and costs are paid by July 12.
Letter will be sent to Alexander, owner of 4550 SC representing Board’s offer.  Linda

Ratify e-votes
Discussion of proposed deck at 5415 WS
Molly moved, Phyllis seconded & passed to ratify Board’s e-vote.
Notify homeowner  Linda

Pond Bank landscaping
Discussion on project, Kristin, Gardenscapes owner, was guest. She estimated between $50 & $100 additional charge per month for maint. Sprinkler installation cost is $1637 and creating beds & landscaping is $6395.
Jerry moved, Ted seconded & passed to spend up to $9,000 to install Conway Corp connection for sprinklers, piping, heads and landscaping for pond bank.
Kris will provide leadership for this project.   Kris

Tree replacement
Dogwood tree in sliver lot has been lost.
Peg moved, Kris seconded & passed to replace dogwood tree.
Arrangement to be made.  Linda

Wayne moved to adjourn, Kris seconded, and passed.
Next meeting will be June 17, 2019 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: May 20, 2019

Board Minutes – April, 2019

Date: April 15, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Linda Beene Ballard      Secretary: Mindy Pipkin Treasurer:      Ted Smith

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X  Linda Beene Ballard
X  Jerry Dumais
X  Ed Ellis

X  Mindy Pipkin

A  Phyllis Simon

X  Molly Steely
X  Ted Smith

X  Peggy Woosley
A  LaTresha Woodruff

X  Kris Adams
X  Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/ActioPERSON RESPONSIBLE for FOLLOW UP

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Linda.

Approval of minutes
For monthly meeting of March 11, 2019.
Peg moved for approval of minutes, Wayne seconded, and passed.
Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web.
Mindy, Phyllis

Financial reports, dues payments
Discussed moving a portion of the CVNA funds to a higher-earning CD at First Service Bank with a monthly compound.Discussed that only 1 homeowner (Vickers) has not paid their annual dues.
Ted moved to transfer $30K currently in CD plus another $10K in operating to new CD’s, Jerry seconded, and passed.A hearing notice will be sent to the Vickers.
Ted will cash out existing CD’s at Centennial Bank and arrange new CD’s.
Ted  Linda

Ratify e-votes
5240 Bay Town – Pergola Roof
Molly moved, Ed seconded, and passed to ratify e-votes.

Discussed renewal of Cinn. InsurancePeg moved, Mindy seconded, and passed to renew the insurance.  Ted, Linda
5475 Whistling Straights
Discussed issue with the Kona Ice Trucks (Vickers and Elms properties) that are being operating out of the neighborhood. Decided that a letter to notify only residential use of lots.
Peg moved, Jerry seconded, and passed to send letter.

Rush-Hal letter shale pit
Letter was discussed again.
Decision was that Mindy would write the letter.  Mindy

Garage Sale
Christy King is handling the neighborhood yard sale, which is June 7 – 8, 2019

4715 Bay Hill
The ACC recommended approval of the pool.
Peg moved, Ed seconded, and passed to approval pool application.

Signs for Pond Bank
Kris reported that the no-parking signs have been installed on the pond bank.

Molly moved to adjourn, Mindy seconded, and passed.
Next meeting will be May 20, 2019 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: April 15, 2019

Board Minutes – March, 2019

Date: March 11, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Linda Beene Ballard      Secretary: Mindy Pipkin      Treasurer: Ted Smith

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Linda Beene Ballard
X Jerry Dumais
X Ed Ellis
X Mindy Pipkin
X Phyllis Simon
X Molly Steely
X Ted Smith
X Peggy Woosley
X LaTresha Woodruff
X Kris Adams
X Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Linda.
Approval of minutes
For monthly meeting of February 11, 2019.
Molly moved for approval of minutes, Ted seconded, and passed.
Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web.
Mindy, Phyllis

Financial reports, dues payments
3 homeowners have not paid 2018-19 dues; certified letters have been sent. Discussion about possible CD rates for renewals.
Agreed that Ted would contact Jim & Scotty Campbell about rates.
Ted will contact.

Ratify e-votes
4205 Bay Hill – pergola
4220 Bay Hill – pool
5540 WS & 5500 WS – fences
Peg moved, Ted seconded, passed
Ed moved, Peg seconded, passed
Ed moved, Jerry seconded, passed
No primary colors/solid roof

4550 Sawgrass Cove
Discussed no progress on yard at 4550 Sawgrass Cove since fine imposed Nov 7, 2018.
Mindy moved to file a lien on 4550 SC as total of fines or admin fee of $100 per day beginning Nov 7, 2018. Jerry seconded and passed.
Linda will contact attorney to file lien.
(resulted in $13,000 lien)

Payment period
Want to clarify intent to pay Gardenscapes; shall payment begin in March?
Decided to begin payment in March.
Linda will contact Gardenscapes.

Power wash curbs in CV
Discussed black mold growing on curbs and idea of power washing curbs throughout CV.
Peggy moved, Wayne seconded &.passed to accept low bid, trim shrubs in Hogan/Tyler sign, $3500
Will engage Jason Schulte if references, insurance are valid & water is secured from CVCC

Mailbox painting
Dallas Brown has submitted a bid to paint 63 mailboxes, make any needed repairs and replace address numbers on both sides of address plate, $2998 labor, $300 supplies for total of $3298.
Jerry moved, Phyllis seconded to accept Dallas Brown’s bid to complete painting 63 mailboxes in Fairways, motion passed
Ed will notify Mr. Brown

Shale Pit
Discussed concerns with pit north of Bay Hill Drive.
Ed will draft a proposed letter
Ed will draft a proposed letter

Molly moved to adjourn, Phyllis seconded, and passed.
Next meeting will be April 15, 2019 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: March 11, 2019

Board Minutes – February, 2019

Date: February 11, 2019    Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Linda Beene Ballard      Secretary: Mindy Pipkin      Treasurer: Ted Smith

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Linda Beene Ballard
X Jerry Dumais
X Ed Ellis

A Mindy Pipkin
X Phyllis Simon

X Molly Steely
X Ted Smith

X Peggy Woosley
X LaTresha Woodruff

X Kris Adams
A Wayne Mannis

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Linda.

Approval of minutes
For monthly meeting of January 14, 2019.
Jerry moved for approval of minutes, Peg seconded, and passed.
Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web.
Mindy, Phyllis
Financial reports
Ted provided an update on the financials. Certified letters will be sent to homeowners that have failed to pay their dues.

ACC recommended approval of fence at 5400 Bay Town.
Kris moved for approval of fence, Ed seconded, and passed.
Linda will notify the homeowners.

Security Camera
Discussed $20 increase per entrance per month for higher speed camera model.
Ted moved for approval of increased fee for security cameras, Jerry seconded, and passed.
Kris will notify security camera monitoring company

Mowing / Bed Maintenance
Discussed proposal from Gardenscapes for annual mowing and entrance bed maintenance.
Kris moved to accept the proposal from Gardenscapes, Peg seconded, and passed.
Linda will notify.

Chemical spraying at entrances
Need to arrange for chemical spraying of all entrances plus sliver lot. Fairways did this last year, Purnam was suggested.
Kris moved to engage Putnam if price is substantially same, if not email Board, Phyllis second, passed
Jerry will research prices from both vendors.

Pond bank Sprinklers
May need to connect to Conway Corporation water line at the Fairways. No Parking signs have been ordered for pond bank.
The board will seek a proposal.
Kris will talk with Travis about restoring sprinklers, Mark Ledbetter about boulders, & Gardenscapes about new beds.

Discussed scheduling a seminar on landscaping issues like fungus, bark scale (will be April 6 2019 at club house)
Arrange a seminar on a Saturday morning
Molly and Peggy will make contacts for speakers and arranging with CVCC.
Molly, Peggy

Uncurbed dogs, Waste
Discussed homeowners failing to pick up their dogs waste. Decided to order bag dispensers at $150.00 plus installation
Jerry moved to order four doggie waste signs/bag dispensers @ $150 plus installation, Kris seconded, and passed.
Jerry will replace the bags in the dispensers.
Kris, Jerry

Next meeting will be on March 11, 2019 @ 6 p.m. at the CVCC.
LaTresha moved to adjourn, Phyllis seconded, and passed.


Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
By: _Mindy Pipkin _____ Date: February 11, 2019

Board Minutes – January, 2019

Date: January 14, 2019      Time: 6:00 p.m.      Place: CVCC
President: Linda Beene Ballard      Secretary: Mindy Pipkin      Treasurer: Ted Smith

X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Linda Beene Ballard X Jerry Dumais X Ed Ellis    
X Mindy Pipkin X Phyllis Simon        
X Molly Steely X Ted Smith        
X Peggy Woosley X LaTresha Woodruff    
X Kris Adams X Wayne Mannis    


Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Linda.


Approval of minutes

For monthly meeting of November 5, 2018.

Peg moved for approval of minutes, Jerry seconded, and passed.

Mindy forwards to Phyllis who posts to web


Financial reports, dues payments

Ted provided an update on the financials. 7 lots remain unpaid.

Mindy moved to send certified letters to the homeowners with unpaid dues, Jerry seconded, and passed.

Mindy will prepare letters.


Ratify e-vote

Ratified e-vote on house plans for 5400 Bay Town

Peggy moved, Phyllis seconded, and passed.

Linda will notify the homeowner.


Seifert driveway

ACC recommended approval of plans to widen the driveway.

Kris moved, Ted seconded, and passed.

Linda will notify the homeowner.


Drainage of pools

Discussed issues with drainage of pool water.

Ed moved to approve pool for 5400 Bay Town with disclaimer regarding ADEQ rules, Jerry seconded, and approved.

Mindy will draft a notification to homeowners seeking to install a pool about the ADEQ rules.



ACC recommended approval of fence at Kilpatrick home.

Peggy moved, Phyllis seconded, and passed.

Linda will notify the homeowner.



Various board members gave reports on projects including that the security camera boxes were upgraded, will obtain estimate on continuation of mailbox paintings, hospitality packages, city’s request for drawings on speed control measures, and more.



Ed moved to adjourn, Mindy seconded, and passed.

Next meetings will be February 11, March 11, April 15, May 20, July 15, August 12, 2019 at the CVCC.