Board Minutes – January 2021

CVNA Meeting minutes January 2021

Board Minutes – November 2020

CVNA Minutes November 2020

Board Minutes – October 2020


Board Minutes – September 2020

September meeting minutes 20.docx

Board Minutes – August, 2020

DATE: August 17, 2020        TIME: 8:08 p.m.         PLACE: CVCC
PRESIDENT: Kris Adams         SECRETARY: Amy Fulmer         TREASURER: Linda Beene Ballard

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Kris Adams    X Missy Quinn    X LaTresha Woodruff   X Stephen Wallace   A Steve Scherrey   X Phyllis Simon  A Melissa Reibe

X Amy Fulmer    X Harry Smith   X Linda Beene Ballard   X Joey Cook


Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Kris

Approval of Minutes

Go over and approve last meetings minutes  Stephen moved for approval of minutes, Harry second

Elected New Board officers: Kris Adams President, Missy Quinn Vice President, Linda Beene Treasure, Amy Fulmer Secretary

Vote on and sign Board Policies and procedures:  one vote on each topic until the following fiscal year

Treasurer Report

Updates from Linda: Discussed during the August meeting


Ratify vote on 4425 Bay Hill Kinley Pool: approved

Murphy: more reviewing

Buschorn: declined – request against covenants

King – Linda moved to approve Joey second

Covenant Violations

No new violations report

Old Business

Reminder reporting on covenant violations: Kris week 1, Steve week 2, Harry week 3, Linda week 4

New Business

New ideas for projects throughout the neighborhood to be brought to September meeting

Great Facebook response to do a neighborhood Rib and BBQ cook-off. Discuss the idea and a budget and details for this type of event.

Purchased new Modem for security cameras update from Stephen Wallace

Yard of the month Carla and Andy Blackwell 5205 Lost Canyon


Stephen moved for approval, Linda second

Time: 9:02






Annual Meeting Minutes – 2020


8/17/20 6:30 p.m.

Welcome from Kris Adams, CVNA President

Introduction of 2019-2020 Board Members

Steve Scherrey, Vice President; Linda Beene Ballard, Treasurer: Amy

Fulmer, Secretary; Missy Quinn, Chair of Architectural Control

Committee; LaTresha Woodruff, Phyllis Simon, Harry Smith, Stephen Wallace, Molly Steely


Conway Police Chief William Tapley: discussed expanding training for the Conway Police Department, diversity and recruiting

Developer Hal Crafton:  discussed development of the last Centennial addition, 11 lots target March 2021

Chef Bill Temple:  appreciates the support and welcomes suggestions from the neighborhood


  • Mike Smith, General Manager of CVCC and golf course
  • Jason Miller, Golf Course Superintendent
  • Alesha Cavazos, CVCC Director of Events
  • Christy King, 4700 Bay Hill; organizes garage sale
  • Kristen Warner, Garden Scapes, landscaping & entrances
  • Ted Putnam, Putnam Landscaping
  • CH (Cory) Sanders, CPA

New Member Board Elections:

Kris Adams, LaTresha Woodruff, Joey Cook, Melissa Reibe

 2019-2020 Accomplishment Highlights Presentation:  Streetscapes and landscaping highlights, Kona ice truck for the neighborhood kids, neighborhood bear and Easter bunny window hunts

Financial Report: Linda Beene Ballard

Proposed 2020-2021 Budget: Budget approval and waiving of board member POA dues – Brittany Dunaway moved to approve and Ron Glover second

Adjourn and socialize safely!

Time: 7:50

Board Minutes – July, 2020

DATE: July 13, 2020        TIME: 6:00 p.m.         PLACE: CVCC
PRESIDENT: Kris Adams         SECRETARY: Amy Fulmer         TREASURER: Linda Beene Ballard

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Kris Adams    X Missy Quinn    X LaTresha Woodruff   X Stephen Wallace   X Steve Scherrey   X Phyllis Simon  A Molly Steely

X Amy Fulmer    X Harry Smith   X Linda Beene Ballard


Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Kris

Special Guest Chef Bill CVCC

Approval of minutes

Approval of June meetings minutes          Harry moved for approval of minutes, Linda second

Treasurer Report

Updates from Linda: $5K predicted to remain in budget for FY if no major repairs.

We have $41K plus interest in CD’s that mature 6/26/20. Steve looking into investment ideas for the $41K.

Linda, Kris, Steve meeting with CPA 7/22/20.

Cloud access $29.99 monthly possibly prepaid for 3 months at a time to help with billing errors     Linda moved for approval, Harry second


No new submissions

Covenant Violations

5115 Burnt Pine trash cans stored at the garage. Letter has been sent     Kris/Phyllis

4665 Sawgrass cove trash cans stored at driveway. Letter has been sent     Kris/Phyllis

5225 Lost Canyon trash cans stored at the driveway Letter has been sent     Kris/Phyllis

4735 Bay Hill drive flower beds over grown Letter has been sent     Kris/Phyllis

4675 Sawgrass trailers in back yard golf course lot: Certified letter returned but and sent another email for a hearing. This has since been corrected and a hearing will not be necessary    Kris/Phyllis

5480 Lost Canyon: Should the violations occur again, trash cans, trailer, stumps, homeowner will receive no further warnings.     If these violations reoccur the homeowner will be fined $100 a day until rectified.     Harry moved to approve fining, Linda second

Old Business

Reminder reporting on covenant violations: Kris week 1, Steve week 2,  Harry week 3, Linda week 4

Need updated quote for last entrance and all cart path crossings on stamped concrete within next 2 weeks     Kris/Missy

Ants in electrical had to have treated and electrical fixed for sprinklers update this has been fixed

Covenant renewal? Is there an expiration date?     No expiration, auto renews after 25 years

Rose bushes and Hogan have a disease and are dead. Update: this project has been completed

Steve Sherry Snow Cones on July 3rd was a success and we are still waiting on bill from Kona

Kris Adams signed the legal paperwork for the lien on 5525 Whistling Straight for unpaid dues

New Business

Ratify Evote replacement of Mailbox for Keith Shcluterman at 5105 Burnt Pine     Kris checking with Hal Crafton on mailbox procedure/payment

5120 and 5125 Burnt Pine mailboxes      Phyllis sending letters to fix their mailboxes

Date for annual meeting? Meeting date is August 17th 2020 Do we have everything locked down? Should we get signs for neighborhood? Should we stream live? And take questions at the end if appropriate? Do we require face masks to attend the meeting? Who should we get as special guest speakers?     Discussed RSVP invite to determine how many people are coming for spacing and food costs

Budget for next year:     Linda and Kris working on budget

Speed Humps on Centennial Club drive approved by city. $1500 per hump to

replace. Kris sending out Evote: Stephen moved for approval, Linda second

Yard of the month 5415 Whistling Straits Jerry and Ann Dumais

Board Term reelections and Reelection of officers what would you like to do within the board? Terms ending Kris Adams, LaTresha Woodruff, Molly Steely and one open position.     Kris, LaTresha staying, Molly leaving

Next Board meeting will be on August 17th 2020 after annual meeting

Adjourn: Stephen moved for approval, Harry second




Board Minutes – June, 2020

DATE: June 8, 2020        TIME: 6:00 p.m.         PLACE: CVCC
PRESIDENT: Kris Adams         SECRETARY: Amy Fulmer         TREASURER: Linda Beene Ballard

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Kris Adams X Missy Quinn X LaTresha Woodruff
A Steve Scherrey X Phyllis Simon
A Amy Fulmer X Harry Smith
X Linda Beene Ballard X Molly Steely
X Stephen Wallace

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Kris
Approval of minutes
Approval of May meetings minutes Linda moved for approval of minutes, Harry second

Treasurer Report

Updates from Linda: $5K predicted to remain in budget for FY if no major repairs.
We have $41K plus interest in CD’s that mature 6/26/20. Board agreed to cancel auto renew to explore different rates. In the last several only income from dues were proposed in the budget.

Linda: should we propose a different budget to include projects?

Linda, Kris and Steve meeting with CPA to discuss annual status. TBD


Hearing for Dietz, Vickers should be in person: Dietz not present but cleaned up however stumps still remain.  Dietz has 2 weeks to remove stumps deadline 6/8/20
Vickers: not present. Board votes to impose second lien via Shane Henry as well as all fines, fees and court costs for the 2019-2020 dues.  Molly moved for approval Missy second


4715 Bay Hill Dr. Batson driveway: Evote approved. ratify  Approved by Evote: Linda moved, Harry second to Ratify Evote

1905 Centennial Club Dr. (Ward): Approved fence, however it was installed at a height that was not approved.  Missy to contact

Covenant Violations

5240 Lost Canyon Camper(Chartans) in road 2nd notice sent camper was moved.  Homeowner responded with more questions, 3rd notice will be sent if it returns and the city has been notified.  Kris/Phyllis

5235 Lost Canyon Trailer in drive way 1st notice sent:  Homeowner corrected after in person conversation

4675 Sawgrass trailer in back yard golf course lot: 3rd notice need to send certified letter.  Board decide to send certified letter to appear for a hearing. Molly moved for approval, Harry second.

Old Business

Reminder reporting on covenant violations: Kris weeks, Steve week 3. Harry 4. Linda

Have a signature line added for Covenant violations for more personal touch with Kris Adams Contact information. How should it read? Molly putting together an email reminding all neighbor of the covenant violations and how they are addressed.

Stamped concrete complete what do you think:  Further discussion next meeting

New Business

Stamped Concrete plan for entrances and golf cart crossings.  Further discussion coming next meeting

Ants in electrical treated and electrical fixed for sprinklers.  Undetermined if there is damage

Annual contract for ant control in the spring:  Linda moved to have Delta put us on an annual contract and Harry second

Rose bushes and Hogan have a disease and are dead. Plan for replacing Kristen Garden Scapes suggestion for replacement can bill after fiscal year for budget $200.00 estimated for project.  Replacing bushes with evergreens and perennials, Molly moved to approve $200 for labor and materials and Linda second

Garage sale weekend successful?  Garage sale went well

Steve Scherrey Snow Cones a date would you like to order sponsored cups. Steve to schedule

Date for annual meeting? Missy food budget?  Annual meeting August 17. Food budget $350.

Yard of the month 5130 Baytown Jan & Bill Wofford

Open floor does anyone have suggestions you would like to see in the neighborhood?  Further discussion needed

How much should we have saved for a safety net?   Further discussion needed

Next Board meeting will be on July 13th 2020 at 6:00

Molly moved for adjournment Harry second


Board Minutes – May, 2020

DATE: May 11, 2020           TIME: 6:00 p.m.           PLACE: CVCC
PRESIDENT: Kris Adams           SECRETARY: Amy Fulmer           TREASURER: Linda Beene Ballard

“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Kris Adams X Missy Quinn X LaTresha Woodruff
x Steve Scherrey X Phyllis Simon
X Amy Fulmer X Harry Smith
X Linda Beene Ballard X Molly Steely
X Stephen Wallace

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Kris
Approval of minutes
Approval of April meetings minutes Molly moved for approval of minutes, Phyllis second

Treasurer Report

Updates from Linda

Aging report for unpaid dues updates: Vickers still unpaid (2 years)

Would like President/Vice president /Treasurer to visit for 30 minutes with CPA set a date wait until after COVID-19


Hearing for Dietz and Vickers delayed for COVID until June

1905 Centennial Club Dr.: Missy recommended approval.  Approved by Evote, Linda moved to Ratify Evote

1820 Warwick Dr. sunroom:  Missy waiting on plot plan before sending out for approval

Covenant Violations
5480 Lost Canyon: Donny Dietz owner: will reschedule hearing possibly with WebEx and a new certified letter
4125 Bay Hill Drive Trailer:  Letter sent
4675 Sawgrass trailers in back yard golf course lot: still not removed  Letter sent
4330 Bay Hill: aggressive dog issue:  Owner contacted, leashing dog and pricing fence   Kris/Phyllis

Old Business

Reminder: Reporting Covenant Violations: Week 1 Kris, Week 2 Steve, Week 3 Harry, Week 4 Linda

New Business

Ratify Evotes:

Kona Ice: complete

1605 Torey Pines Cogdill Patio Cover: complete
5475 Whistling Straights deck: complete
1820 Warwick sunroom: complete

Kona Ice Snow cones for kids $250: approved; total $316.80. Kris Adams covered the $66.80 difference   Great participation, looking for an additional date. Wells Fargo will sponsor a max total of $350.

New sign for Pond Bank: installed   Kris took additional measure to make sure the signs are secure

Dog Waste Bags ordered: refilled

Senior Parade this Sunday 5/17 at 1:00   Phyllis sending out email to neighborhood

Neighborhood Garage Sale June 5th & 6th   Phyllis sending out email to neighborhood

Would like to find a sponsor to do free snow cones later in the summer: {Steve Scherrey} Wells Fargo

Need volunteer to ask Alesha for a date we can have annual meeting in August:   Missy volunteered

Update on stamped concrete project Missy Quinn   Centennial Club entrance complete (looks amazing!) Second entrance starting

Yard of the month 4660 Sawgrass Cove Ellis & Kim Arnold

Next Board meeting will be on June 8th 2020 at 6:00: hopefully in person    Missy moved for adjournment Linda second

Adjourn   Time: 6:52









Board Minutes – April, 2020

DATE: April 6, 2020      TIME: 6:00 p.m.      PLACE: CVCC
PRESIDENT: Kris Adams      SECRETARY: Amy Fulmer      TREASURER: Linda Beene Ballard


“X” In attendance; “A” Absent; “S” Substitute sent; “R” Representative attended; “G” Guest
X Kris Adams X Missy Quinn X LaTresha Woodruff
x Steve Scherrey X Phyllis Simon
X Amy Fulmer X Harry Smith
X Linda Beene Ballard X Molly Steely
X Stephen Wallace
Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Kris

of minutes approve last meetings minutes from March Stephen Wallace moved for approval of minutes, Steve Scherrey second


Updates from Linda Aging report for unpaid dues updates: Certified letter sent to Vickers and Taylor. Taylor has paid dues

Linda providing more in-depth summary

Would like President/Vice president /Treasurer to visit for 30 minutes with CPA set a date wait until after COVID-19

Hearing for Dietz and Vickers delayed for COVID until June


1605 Torrey pines Lane Patio Cover: Missy recommended approval. Steve S. moved for approval, Harry second

Covenant Violations

5480 Lost Canyon: Donny Dietz owner, will reschedule hearing for June and a new certified letter   Harry contacting City Code Enforcement

4675 Sawgrass Cove: trailers in driveway: corrected

5125 Burnt Pine: landscaping needs upkeep, this is a rental property  Phyllis sending letter to Greg Carver the homeowner

1945 Centennial Club: trash can and trailer in the driveway more than 72 hours      Phyllis sending email reminder

Summary of Topics, Decisions/Conclusions and Next Step/Action:

1915 Centennial Club: remove Pearcy landscaping sign Phyllis sending email reminder

Old Business

Sliver lot approved tree replacement    Complete, also replacing some dead shrubs

Reminder: Reporting Covenant Violations: Week 1 Kris, Week 2 Steve, Week 3 Harry, Week 4 Linda

New Business

Ratify Evotes : none Porch

Pirates caught on camera: Email sent out to all CV residents

Reschedule hearings via webex with new certified letters or wait until COVID-19 is over? Waiting until June

Any ideas on keeping kids entertained during COVID-19 we have a bunch of walkers and people getting outside their homes in the evenings and we need to keep it safe (Bear Hunting in the windows and Easter Egg hunt in the windows) Kris asking David Elms about Kona ice pricing

Phyllis send an email again about the new dates for trash pickup during Covid-19:    No recycle at this time, Phyllis sending reminder email

Update on stamped concrete project Missy Quinn: Waiting on products to arrive to begin work no time estimate Still not received they are pulling the invoice to see when it will ship

Yard of the month 5420 Lost Canyon: Trevor and Trish Hall

New sign for pond $60:

4330 Bay Hill: aggressive dog issue   Sending letter to homeowners about the dog running free. This is a nuisance violation. Neighbors are afraid of the dog.

Next Board meeting will be on April 11th, 2020 at 6:00 Time: 7:15    Linda moved for adjournment