CVNA September 9, 2024 Minutes
Attendance: Missy Quinn, Jeannie Stroth, Allison Worthen, Steve Scherrey, Terri Johnson, Deanna Ott & Karla Braswell.
President – Missy Quinn, Vice President – Melissa Reibe, Treasurer – Jeannie Stroth, Secretary -Jessica Nichols, ACC Committee – Allison Worthen & David McClain, Security Improvements – Terri Johnson
-5:15 pm called meeting to order
-August meeting minutes approved: 1st Steve Scherrey, 2nd Terri Johnson
Treasurer Report
-Jeannie Stroth reported on the August financials. There are still quite a few HOA dues outstanding ($17K). It was suggested that we put a “Second Notice” on the next invoice to assist with collection. Everyone agreed and it will be done.
Covenant violation:
-Bay Hill Dr. – Steve Scherry met with the owners and explained that a business cannot be conducted out of their home. Also noted the parked vehicles on the lawn and overgrown yard. Steve stated they were open to the discussion and he feels like it will be taken care of.
Old Business:
Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regularly scheduled meetings.
New Business:
-It was noted the security camera system had not been working properly again. Residents have indicated this is a priority. Terri Johnson obtained a quote from Low Voltage and will obtain an additional quote from another company. We will then move forward from there.
-Discussed the need for 1-2 new board members since Skylar moved to Florida.
Next meeting:
-Monday, October 14, 5:00 p.m., McGee Center.
-6:15 p.m. Steve Scherrey made a motion to end the meeting. Terri Johnson 2nd.