CVNA November 14, 2024 Minutes
Attendance: Missy Quinn, Melissa Reibe, Jessica Nichols, Jeannie Stroth, David McClain, Terri Johnson (phone)
Neighborhood members in attendance: Vanesa Burton
-5:34pm called meeting to order
-October minutes approved: 1st David 2nd Jeannie
-Need to look at by-laws and possibly reforming the wording for outside paint, roofing, solar panels, etc.
Treasurer Report
-Annual Dues not collected: Barry Thomas $308.93 (includes a certified letter fee), Freddy & Caroline Davis $300, Jeremy & Dawn Bicker $300, Scott Taylor $300
-Collecting $10 late fee if these annual dues are not paid by Dec 1st
-Correction on report account transaction of $50 to Aaron Forrester
Covenant violation:
-5560 Lost Canyon Dr (pictures provided to board) yard and landscaping
Old Business:
Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regularly scheduled meetings.
-Security camera updates: ICU Protection for ALL entrances got the bid, $9095 and with internet connections around $10K, approved 1st David, 2nd Jeannie
-Speeding issue update on Whistling Straits going into new neighborhood: speed table looks to be the best option
-Cutler Landscaping: fixed issues with sprinklers $500, winterizing & checking for other issues, getting quote for each entrance to have lighting, breaker boxes, etc.
-Christmas lights will be turned on the week of Thanksgiving. The individual neighborhood homes should follow this guideline of not having Christmas lights on until then.
New Business:
Next meeting:
-No December meeting
-Monday, Jan 13th at 5pm
-611pm called meeting to end, approved 1st David, 2nd Jeannie