Board Minutes – May 2024

CVNA May 13, 2024 Minutes

Attendance: Missy Q, Melissa R, Jeannie S, Jessica N, Karla B, Terri J, Allison W, David M, Alan K

-5:09pm called meeting to order

-April meeting minutes approved: 1st David M, 2nd Alan K

Treasurer Report

-$31K in bank currently

-unpaid business: to Shane Henry-paid $749 for 2023 review of bylaws, paid $980 for 2021 solar panel & voting requirements

-Insurance payment April 30 $1862

-aging report: past due money for certified letters being sent to Davis & Berry, Reserve cash/CD 2018 had $124K and 2023 had $84K, recommended reserve cash/CD is 70-100% of yearly expenses



Covenant violation:

-5430 Lost Canyon Dr. (trash cans being left on street), letter sent

-1680 Warwick Hills (unkept yard), letter sent

-Burnt Pine Dr (dogs unleashed), letter sent 

Old Business:

Reminder that board members are required to attend 8 regularly scheduled meetings.

-landscaping quotes 2024-25, send companies to Missy

-as of today we already have 100 votes

-need more dog bags & trash bags for waste stations

New Business:

-Annual meeting: in August (possibly 12, 19, or 26), find a location that is cost effective

Next meeting:
-Monday, June 10th at 5pm

-552pm called meeting to end, approved 1st Melissa R, 2nd Alan K


CVNA Special Meeting #2 Minutes

-601pm started meeting

-presentation on website (April 8, 2024) can be viewed

-261 lots billed for annual dues, 272 lots in total, $65250 collected yearly currently

-increasing annual dues to $300 will bring in $78300 collected yearly

-suggestions: Bay Hill entrance – add plants, more color with flowers

-suggestions: neighborhood directory – PDF format with names, addresses, email

-suggestions: welcome package with information “what’s going on in the neighborhood”

-suggestions: get quotes for Christmas lights

-socials in neighborhood: have street parties with food trucks, designated streets at certain times

-find information about neighborhood: email and Facebook

-voting results will be announced in next few days from meeting

-651pm ended meeting